The pups are changing all the time, so I take lots of 'progress' photos, today you get their faces on Day 12...

ABOVE: there they are in order of birth... the boys first, then the girls.  If you look hard enough you can actually see their eyes starting to open!
In just a couple more days all their eyes WILL be open, then after that their ears will open too.
This is a very exciting time cos they look so different with their eyes open.

Today:  I'm off to see the Dr for a review of the medication I am on AND to discuss me going on diabetes medication.  *sigh*... I know I'm fighting a losing battle on that one I think.  NOT that I have helped myself at all... I own that.

I'm going to leave Bex in charge at home, she can practise motherhood with Keera, Brylee and Griffin.   lol


My night with Keera went something like this:
Bed at 10pm.
Baby spat the dummy out and cried.
I got out of bed and put it back in.
5 minutes later... baby spat the dummy out and cried.
I got out of bed and put it back in.
5 minutes later... baby spat the dummy out and cried.
I got out of bed.................................. and on and on and on it went.
So I took her down to the lounge so we didn't keep Stew awake.
And the 'dummy in' ... 'dummy out' continued for 2 hours straight.

I finally reached a point where I said 'ENOUGH!', and took the dummy away.
She fell asleep right away cos she was exhausted.  So was I!

4am... baby woke for a bottle, which she skulled in one go.  And went right back to sleep... NO DUMMY.

8am... and I am waiting for her to wake again, and I have my resolve set.  There will be NO DUMMY anymore.   I hope Lacy can do it too, cos her wanting to suck the dummy ALL THE TIME is a right pain in the butt.

DUMMY = BINKY or whatever you call it in your part of the world.

Doctor visit:  they upped me anti depressants to the maximum dose.  And prescribed Metformin... starting on a low dose.
Apparently I can now look forward to an upset tummy for a few days... with lots of visits to the bathroom predicted.  Oh yaaaa.

Stew just rang.  His Mother passed away this morning.  It was much quicker than the Doctors had anticipated.  Stew is so very glad he went down when he did.  He is undecided if he will go down for her funeral or not.  Work is manic right now so it may not be an option.

I just returned Miss Muppet to her Mummy, and am proud to say she did not get the dummy at all today... AND she took her bottle really well for a change.  I am quite sure Lacy will give the dummy back, as she won't be able to stand the crying!  Knowing her it will only take ... hmmmm..... 2 minutes!  lol

On our way home from Lacy's we stopped and waited for Steve to finish work so we could drive him home to save his ankle. 

He has to get an MRI scan done on his ankle.  The Dr who he saw yesterday for a review on the ankle was an orthopedic specialist and he was not happy with his ankle at all.  It 'clicks' when it shouldn't.  

SOUTHGIRL:  Did you know Janette or her family?  Your earlier comment about Stew's Mum made him think you might have?

End of Day:  I'm looking forward to my bed tonight, so is Stew.  We are both a bit 'done' after the up's and down's of this week.  Today was a sad day for Stew... losing his Mum.  Not many people lose TWO MUMS in their lifetime, but he has.  He's also crazy busy at work... I don't know how he keeps going sometimes.
nite nite


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