Had a mental block for a title today... so ya get bla bla bla!
I made a blankie for Phantom (formerly Chilli):

ABOVE: He likes it too.  

ABOVE: pups in the lounge playing happily... I'm looking forward to hiring a 'Rug Doctor' once they have all left home.  Hmm... but then again... maybe it would be better to wait until AFTER Christmas and our visitors have gone home?  We will see.

ABOVE:  the pups are keeping us entertained with their little antics... they are just so cute.

ABOVE:  the pups and the BEACHED WHALE... getting me own back on her is rather fun!  lol

ABOVE:  this is a lovely photo of Roxy.

ABOVE:  Little Peppa... she is just the most cheeky, full of fun wee pup.

ABOVE: not one, but two little ratbags chewing on my camera strap!  Rather hard to take photos when the camera is being jerked around... thanks Peppa and Phantom.

ABOVE: ha ha... Bex getting her hair chewed and yanked by Poppy.  

TODAY... not sure what we will get up to.  Bex goes back to Hamilton some time today, so I might cater my day around her.  

I can hardly remember what I did with my days before the puppies arrived!

Oh... I bought a nice computer desk from Trademe last night too:

ABOVE:  pretty nice eh?  Cost me $45.00 ...  Very good buy if ya ask me.  We should be able to pick it up on Sunday.  Then I just have to find a place in the lounge to put it.

I might go out sometime today and look for a computer chair ... the one I used to use is now my sewing chair.


So... Bex left bright and early this morning... she's working this afternoon I think.  She only has two more 'visits' up here before she becomes a permanent resident here.

I am going out to check out a new computer sometime today... I was going to get an 'All In One'.. but now that I have decided to set up a computer area in the lounge I can get a PC instead.  No more laptops for me.  They are too slow and every single one I have ever had has overheated... one even had smoke coming out of it as it died.

Well I spoke to 'computer' blokes in Harvey Norman's, Bond & Bond, Noel Leeming, Dick Smith's and JB Hi Fi.... and they all said the exact same thing!
GET an All In One computer... NOT one of the old version Tower ones!
Apparently they are being phased out.

So.. I shall have to pass that info past Steve I suppose.

So Steve clearly thinks I'm being flim flammed by salesmen.  Still going to get an All In One... mostly because there were hardly ANY of the 'old' type to choose from in all those shops.  I like to move with the times... I do, I do.

Suppose I should start thinking about what to do for dinner...

Dinner sorted, Stew is bringing home salads and chicken.

I am getting increasingly crabby with Coco... she cannot be with the pups now as they are weaned, but she keeps climbing over the gate outside and standing at the lounge glass sliding door and scratching on the glass to be let in with them... it's doing my head in.
So I have had to resort to locking her in the laundry... it may sound mean, but she just won't behave right now.  It's like she has suddenly decided to not do a single thing I tell her!

GIRLS... grrrr.. even dog ones can drive ya nuts.

SO... been trying to get hold of our son Mike today to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.  Usual problem... he doesn't answer his phone, and the house phone just goes to message.  So frustrating.  

End of Day:  well it's been a good day... enjoyed some lovely time with the pups, window shopping etc.
nite nite.


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