Last night I made wee Diesel's blankie... and it occurred to me that I would be in the shit if anyone decided they didn't like the name they had chosen for their puppy... cos I've made all their blankies now... well except for sweet Chilli.
He's the last one standing, poor wee boy.  At least he does not know he has not been chosen by anyone yet.  *sniff*

Anyway... enough about that... here's Diesel's blankie:

ABOVE:  I rather like it!  Wonder why I have not made Teddy and Coco one before now?
THAT is on me agenda ... maybe they will get a lovely blankie for Christmas?

The original plan for today was to take Teddy and Coco to the groomers, then take Lacy and Keera to Sylvia Park for an access meet with Wade... but that has been changed to Saturday at our request.  
It suits us and Lacy better ... so that Stew can come too as her support person.  AND we are at Sylvia Park on a saturday more often than not, so it's not an added trip there.

Now that I don't have to go to Sylvia Park today... I might just potter around the house... and later on take Lacy to the supermarket so she can do her grocery shopping.

After the kids get home from school I am going to go and have my eye examination before ordering me new glasses.

ABOVE:  these are going to be my 'computer/TV/reading' glasses.  I love the detail on the sides... and the fact that they are so light and don't distract with a heavier frame.
I will try and get a photo of the other pair later today.


So... I'm sitting here reading e-mails and I hear this 'squeak .... squeak'... and think "What is that?"  and look at the puppies.... and it's Poppy!  She's got the hiccups... so funny!  I have never heard a puppy with hiccups before.

Got all me 'to do' stuff done this morning.  Lacy now has enough groceries to last her for a while.. she just needed my to get her to the supermarket and back.. which I don't mind doing.
Then the groomers only took 2 hours with Teddy and Coco... they were aware Coco had pups at home so did them first.  Awesome... the second Coco was out of the car she was clamouring to get inside and make sure they were alright... now she's feeding them and looking very content with her lot.

I will post some photos later on... after I've had a chance to have brunch.  

JACKIE:  I hope Chico is OK... and it isn't something serious.

OK... did a few photos... so here we go:












It is very hard to get a really nice photo of Chilli... I'm going to try again later, once they all wake up again.

End of Day:  well another busy afternoon... hardly had any 'down' time today.  Had me eye examination this afternoon.  Dropped Brylee and Griffin off at Lacy's for the late afternoon so I didn't have to take them with me.  It's handy having her up the road!
nite nite.


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