Yeah... most people who come into my home say something about all me bits of colour around the house.
It makes it cheerful.  Cos sometimes when you are not feeling 'happy, happy, joy, joy'... at least you are in a happy looking environment!

Well... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I do love colour, I'm always trying to find TASTEFUL ways to add colour.

When I was given flowers the other day by Puppy Parents... it made me want to add more colour ... so I got more artificial flowers yesterday:

 ABOVE:  see how cute they are there?  They only cost $16.  And those candles ... I've had them for freakin ages and they came from The Warehouse... cheap as... but so effective don't cha think?

Most people would have a cat on their desk for company... me?

ABOVE:  I've got this little cutie patootie.  He quite liked being there... but sadly his typing skills were utter crap, so I fired him.  He sleeps in his crate right beside me when he's not running around causing mayhem. *smiles* 

Today's plans are to get into the garage and try to make some sense of it... and start sorting it out so everything is a bit more 'condensed' into a smaller area.  Right now it's a damn mess.
I will take a photo to prove it!... but not right now. 
Must make lunches now... yaaaaaaaaaaaaa....


ANON:  yes that video is somewhere in an older post... you will have to scroll through a few weeks to find it though!  I won't as I'm far to busy!

I'm making great inroads into the garage mess... and getting lots of exercise doing it too!  It all counts, particularly if it makes you sweat like a pig!

So... after 4 hours... I have finished in the garage!  Now we will be able to put Griffin and Joshua in there over Christmas/New Year ... cos all the bedrooms will be full!


 ABOVE:  and AFTER.  It was a mission and a half... but I am really, really good at tidying up!

Now...it's lunchtime and I'm starving!

I am now fed and watered (well Diet Coke'd) and just feel a bit tired.  So it's a good excuse to sit down and watch last night's Home And Away!  Like... NOW.

Where do I get the energy?  Simple.  I hate a mess... and no one but me was going to tidy it up. So... I did it.  Well... actually Bex said she would help, but there is no way I was going to let her do it... she's heavily pregnant!

FAIR WARNING.  I am going to have a RANT tomorrow! So... If you would rather read sweetness and light... DON'T come here tomorrow.  Just sayin.

LYN:  and I'm not sure which Lyn you are... what I do or don't do in relation to my diet is up to me.  Thanks for your concern.  I am my own biggest critic... and when I can listen to myself will be when I do something about my diet.

THANK YOU KYM, and YOU other girls. You know who you are.

LYN:  I would never tell anyone what they can or cannot say in their comments.  Clearly you took exception to my reply to your first comment... I did not mean to offend you, just state how I felt.  And I do not divulge EVERYTHING about my life on my blog... some things are kept private.  As you didn't link your comment back to yourself... you might as well have just signed yourself ANONYMOUS.

End of Day:  a very rewarding day in many ways.  Glad to see my bed soon.
nite nite


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