After lunch today this little darling goes home:

 ABOVE:  Little Miss Molly... our smallest puppy, who grew and became really good at taking on all her siblings.  She is going to Hawera ... she should be home by dinner time.  I am sure she is going to surprise a certain person!

I wish I was a fly on the wall ... Tracy,  try to have your camera out!

Once Molly has left... I have to face three more leaving tomorrow!  I know I will be OK with them leaving... cos we will still have Phantom to care for, and play with.  *smiles*  

In case you didn't notice, Diesel has already flown the coop.  He left a few days ago... a bit early, but my Vet OK'd it... so I was happy to let him go a few days early. He has gone up North to Whangarei.

Here's some photos I took yesterday afternoon, I need to make the most of having them here .... once they are gone I will have to find something else to blog about again.

ABOVE:  Poppy has the ball.. and Peppa... well she's just giving me her usual stroppy face!  OR you could say she is giving me the 'stink eye'... ha ha ha!

ABOVE:  Phantom enjoying playing with a toy.

ABOVE:  Peppa has it now.  I put out enough toys so everyone has something to play with... but they still fight and argue over something!

ABOVE:  Poppy with the foam ball... I had to take it off them as they were chewing bits off it.

 ABOVE:  Phantom... looking gorgeous.

ABOVE: Poppy trying to put holes in me fingers... OMG their teeth hurt like hell!

 ABOVE: this rug has had a hard life... Coco gave it hell when she was a puppy, and now her puppies are doing the same thing.  That's Roxy giving it a good chew.

 ABOVE: lucky for them I don't mind... it is what it is... a chewed on rug!  If it was my good rugs I might be less OK with it!

ABOVE:  A nice shot of Peppa... two seconds later she was yapping at me and trying to eat the camera.

ABOVE: Phantom with that toy again... I can see all the teeth marks on it!  

ABOVE:  Peppa... having a go at another rug.  This one is really old too... so again... I don't mind.

ABOVE: and now Roxy has that toy.  lol

ABOVE:  just looking at this photo makes me think... what are they planning on doing?   It's like a think huddle!  lol

TODAY:  I'm staying home so that Molly can be picked up after lunch.  I don't feel like going out anyway... so it's all good.

I might go down to the garage and do some sewing.  Not sure what I will sew though.


MARK: you are quite right... Molly does GO HOME today!  So, just for you, I changed me heading!  *smiles*

The pups have had a wonderful time outside this morning... and are now all snoozing...

ABOVE:  Miss Molly the 'Hampster' ... she has been a real darling to raise... such a cutie pie.
Not long now and she will be on her way to Hawera... 

Miss Molly has left the building.  Her new Mum's Brother stopped in and collected her... she should be perfectly comfortable on her trip home... she has a flash new crate and bedding... lucky wee girl.

I will be hanging by the computer at dinner time to make sure she gets home safe and sound.

Lucky for us Coco can't count ...  she does not fret over them going if she can't see them being carried out the door!  lol

I just had a momentary panic!  What if I gave him the wrong PUP???  So I jumped out of me seat and double checked who was still here... PHEW!  I sent the right one off to Hawera... lol

It was just a momentary fleeting thought, but it really got me worried!  

Tomorrow three more leave... I am sure I won't muddle them up!  Their new families know which is their puppy by now!

Roxy... I found out she has decided to be 'the runner'... when it comes to being put back in the puppy pen she does a runner!  I spent a good deal of time this morning trying to catch the little bugger!  
She figured out I was putting the others back in the pen and she ran... around and around... and just as I caught up to her, she ran off again!  I had to entice her with a bit of Dog Roll!  

Soon she will be running around for someone else! Yaaaa.

8 PM:  IS MOLLY HOME???   I haven't heard from Tracy yet... OH I hope all is going well ... Yaaa... I just heard from Tracy.  Molly travelled well and has already made everyone fall in love with her!  She is one happy puppy, and there is a little girl who just found out Molly is HERS!  

Wow that must have been so lovely to see.  I have nicked some photos off Tracy's blog and will post them tomorrow.

End of Day:  it's gone so well!  So happy Molly is home and happy.  Watching The Voice now... love the show.
nite nite


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