Little Jazz became PEPPA yesterday, here she is with her new human Jenna:

ABOVE:  the two girls... I am sure they are going to love being together.  

Cute story:  I got a phone call yesterday from a lady who had seen the pups on Trade Me... she said she loved my puppies ... but she couldn't get one right now as she was doing some travelling  after Christmas.  BUT... she wanted me to take her name and phone number, and asked could I call her when Coco has her next litter as she wants a girl... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

How cool... pre-sold a puppy before it's even conceived.

TODAY:  I plan on getting all me housework up to date.. I did NOTHING yesterday except field phone calls for the puppies... and watch some telly!  Lazy tart... yep that was me.
NOT today.  I want everything done then I won't feel so guilty.

OH and I have a little job to do in the sewing department too... something I want to do for the puppies.


So.. this is what I'm doing:

ABOVE:  Blondie you guessed right.  I am making each puppy his/her own little cuddly to take to their FOREVER Home.

One down.... 5 to go.

Next one done...:

ABOVE:  I tried to get her to face the camera... ha!  That's a joke, this little girl is far to energetic to keep still.

Just finished the other two girls blankies:

ABOVE:  Miss Molly... she is our baby of the litter... and a lovely placid girl... UNLESS one of the boys (Chilli) is near... then she goes into fight mode... paying them back for dragging her around by her tail I reckon!  GO MOLLY!

ABOVE:  this little girl was the first puppy to find her new family.. and she won't even be that far away from here too.  Ha ha, she's got her ears down, not impressed with being woken up, sorry POPPY!  *smiles*

Right, it's after 1pm, time for me to have some lunch me thinks....

Lunch over... spent  ages with the puppies outside ... man they love being out there!  They run around like mad things.... then when they start slowing down I put them back in their puppy pen and *BAMM*... 6 babies sound asleep in seconds!  So cute.

I spent AGES this afternoon updating my Trade Me advert... so there are lots more photos of the boys now.. and none of the girls.  I hope the boys get some interest soon!

Also put a big chook in the oven for dinner... drooling thinking about it.  I haven't done a roast chook in a while!  

End of Day:  well it's been a quiet day... I've just about had enough of quiet days!
nite nite.


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