Well... here's some photos from last night... I'm not going to do the  'ABOVE' to explain each photo... I 'CAPTIONED' them instead...

As you can imagine, the Aussy Family will probably spend a lot of today resting after their  long trip to get here. 

I've no plans for the day whatsoever... will just go with the flow...


- Stew's at work
- Steve's at work
- Brylee and Griffin are at school
AND Bex, Russ, Tess, Haylea, Sienna and Bodhi are all ASLEEP.

Must have been tired!


I won a Giveaway on a new blog... Kelly H was giving away some makeup and I thought 'Why Not?" and entered. 
This is what arrived this morning:

ABOVE:  Frisky Phantom trying to help me open it...

 ABOVE:  Kelly very kindly sent a gift for Bex and Lacy too... The baby blankets are just GORGEOUS!!!  Bex is going to squeal when she sees them... and as for the wee dress for Keera!  OMG Kelly... it is utterly STUNNING and guess what?  Lacy goes ga-ga over silver and purple... she is probably going to cry when she sees the dress!

ABOVE:  all the gifts!  Makeup, hand cream and chocolates too!   OOOO Kelly H you are a naughty, naughty little blogger!  But I loves you anyway!  lol

ABOVE:  bet you are wondering why I'm showing you this?
Well it was a proud moment ... I was cleaning Phantom's crate and he was running around with Coco ... the clean newspaper was right beside me... about to be put in the crate.  Phantom came over ... sniffed the paper... then proceeded to have a piddle ON THE PAPER!  How awesome is he?  So proud of our little man.
Hope he is as good for his new Mum and Dad!

Before I forget... Russ and Tess kindly got me a bottle of the one and only perfum I wear....

ABOVE: Joop for MEN!  I love it.  It may be the man's one, but who cares if you love it?  lol
I have not had any for MONTHS now... I always feel bad if I buy it cos it's not cheap... but I have vowed to buy more when I run out... cos I deserve it!

Now... in light of that.. I saw a really lovely White, lightweight Cardigan type top yesterday morning... but didn't buy it as it was $99.  Stuff it, if it's still there later on today I'm gunna buy it!

11 am:  I'm STILL the only human awake in this house!!!

11.17 am....I heard a noise!  OMG it's.... BEX!   We have to go visit the midwife this afternoon.... Bex is having nasty headaches again... add that to the oedema... she needs to be checked out. 

Bex and I decided to go to the Spotlight Grand Opening at their new Manukau store.... it was really, really good!  So much more stock!  Stuff we had not seen before too.
I had fun.... cos..... I got this done...

 ABOVE:  I had me face painted!  How cool is that!

 ABOVE: Bex getting some practise with Bodhi....

ABOVE:  He's a cutie!  And the poor wee mite has a nasty cold... so Tess and Russ are going out to get him a vapouriser and some socks! 

MIDWIFE UPDATE:  Bex needs to get more bed rest... her blood pressure is up ... but not alarmingly at the moment.  We know what to watch out for, and if we are concerned we are to right Debs. (midwife)

Stew and I are going to do some grocery shopping tonight... any moment now actually...we are going to run outta food real quick!  Don't think we will last till the weekend when we usually do it.

End of Day:  grocery shopping done and dusted... yaaaa.  Time to go to bed.  It's been a long day.
nite nite.


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