Champagne Girl Q&A: Exercise Maven Chris Freytag

from Chris Freytag: Facebook

I'll admit it. I have a total girl crush on Chris Freytag. If you don't know Chris, just pop on Amazon or QVC and check out her infamous "10 Pound Slimdown" DVD's and prepare to become hooked. I used Chris' DVD's before my wedding and whipped myself into serious shape in just 12 weeks - and I didn't mind doing it, either. Her workouts are fast, engaging, and they get results.

But that's not what sold me on Chris Freytag. Her passionate, inspired, and addictive personality and outlook on life is what made me so compelled to feature her on The Champagne Diet. Check out her Facebook page and you'll find her posting motivating tidbits and keeping her fans going every single day. She's not on there selling her products with automated, robotic updates. She lives the life she preaches out and that is why I adore this woman. 

I asked Chris if I could do a Q&A with her for you ladies and she happily obliged. Learn some more about her below and if you don't walk away motivated, well then you're probably from Mars :)

TCD: Tell us a little bit about yourself

CF: I’m health and fitness expert, author and national speaker… I have been teaching fitness classes and personal training for over 20 years and am currently the contributing fitness editor for Prevention Magazine; the fitness contributor for the NBC affiliate in Minneapolis; and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the American Council on Exercise. I have authored 5 books; created dozens of fitness DVD’s; and sell my signature line of healthy kitchen products on QVC. Corporate speaking has become a big part of my business – I speak about health and wellness but also do lots of speaking to entrepreneurial groups on branding and starting your own business.

I’m also a group fitness instructor, which is truly my passion…  I teach yoga, spinning, kickboxing, HIIT, sports conditioning, circuit training and Pilates every week when I’m not traveling.  As you can tell – I love variety!
TCD: When did you realize you were passionate about fitness?

CF: I’ve loved fitness since I was a kid – I was always active.  I was a runner through high school and college and then discovered group fitness and I was hooked.   In the 80’s when women started really lifting weights, I became interested in personal training and eventually also became a certified health coach.  I have always been the type of person that loves to share information … anything I learn that’s helpful I want to share with everyone I know.  So that’s why I majored in journalism…I love to talk, write, and share.   Social media has been a great platform for me to help motivate people to get healthy.  I spend a lot of time offering up helpful information and motivation for my followers.

Copyright © 2011 Tim Pearson
TCD: What advice would you give to women with busy schedules who don't have a lot of time to dedicate to working out?

CF: Get started and begin with baby steps.  My motto: “Strive for progress not perfection”. It’s a journey so do be so in a rush for a quick fix. Start moving your body and start trying some healthy food options. The bottom line is in order to see a change you have to GET STARTED!!!  I also advise having a support system –whether friends, a spouse, a virtual group, a trainer–support is a key component to success.  Give yourself a break on a bad day but get back in the saddle the next day … don’t expect perfection because that always leads to disappointment.   And realize everyone is BUSY…. The most common excuse for not working out is “I don’t have time.”  So try changing those four words to this, “I chose to do something else I thought was more important.”  That often is very thought provoking because taking care of yourself should be important and high on your priority list!

TCD: What are your favorite indulgences?

CF: Oh well I don’t have just one! I love sweets so I have to be careful, but I love to make healthy desserts. I love pumpkin pie the most so one of my favorite indulgences Pumpkin Pie Mousse-the recipe is on my website. Seriously, I'm obsessed with this recipe...if you love pumpkin pie, you'll love this... even my boys give it a thumbs up... add a graham cracker and you feel like it's a dessert when reality is it is FULL of protein!! For snacks I eat homemade hummus and carrots and celery sticks.  I love ice cream, but most of the time I will substitute it with Greek yogurt sweetened with a little raw honey and I add berries and dark chocolate chips or walnuts.

TCD: What accomplishment are you most proud of?

CF: My children hands down are my most prized possession. No athletic race or product is more satisfying than seeing your children grow up and make good choices and be happy healthy adults. I have a 20 year old son, 19 year old daughter and 15 year old son.  Only one left at home so I miss all the acitivty in our house!

TCD: What's on the horizon for you?

CF: Well – just finished filming a new DVD series which will be out on January 1st – HIIT workouts – they are crazy intense and fun … I give modifications …  but if you want to kick off the new year….  HIT it HARD with my workouts ... all the info will be on my website soon   


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