I'm probably nuts, but I am entertaining ideas of taking the babes out to the mall this morning.  'Santa' needs to check out a few things... do price comparisons etc.
Santa is going to get Brylee and Griffin a Portable DVD Player each.

They have been using Haylea's since she arrived... and they love it.  Soooo... what to get them suddenly presented itself to 'Santa'.

Right... here's some photos from yesterday:

 'YES Grandma, I did wake up in a grump'
 'See... I got tears ....'
 'What was that?  You gunna get me a bottle?
WOW... Would ya look at that, I can instantly stop crying!'
 'I loves me Granddad THIS Much!'
 'Granddad, I'm practising me stink eye on ya'
 'Awww shucks Grandma... I'm having a poop, must you take me photo now?'
'Yeah, now I feel better'
'I've got to get me some teeth ... cos all this dribbling must mean dey comin!'
His bottom two teeth are not too far away, I can almost see them.
I'm going to take the kids out of school early today so that we can all go out to the airport to pick up Steve and Bex this afternoon.  I hope they have a good flight home.
A dear friend mentioned last night that I seem so much happier now... even though we had such bad news last week.  Well... I AM HAPPIER now than I have been in so very long!  I love having my family all around us... and I have finally let go of things I cannot change and learnt to live HAPPILY with how things are now.
No more letting anything bring me down... life is for living and loving.  And I love my family TO THE MOON AND BACK.  And I am going to enjoy being with them all over summer.
Stew is taking a month off work, starting just before Christmas, so we can really enjoy the kids and grandkids, and maybe even some time for just us too.
It's going to be the BEST SUMMER in a long time.

Awwww... I just watched Sienna find two nappies (used) on a chair ... she got them both and put them in the kitchen sink... cleaning up!  What a clever wee girl.

Both Griffin and Brylee have said on several ocassions how cute she is... and they think she's the Bee's Knees!

Lacy and all the babes came with me to Sylvia Park.  I wanted to get a small gift for Bex that Brylee and Griffin could give to her to help cheer her up.

Lacy got a wee gift for her too.  So... we get back to the car.... getting three babies into carseats, two prams into the back of me car... bla bla bla.... so I put the gift I'd bought on top of the roof by the Driver's door... can you see where this is heading?

........ once all the bubs/prams etc were in... off we drove.  We were parked two stories up in the carpark building.  We get out onto the road when FUCK!!!  I remembered the parcel ON THE ROOF of the car!

Stopped, jumped out.. NO PARCEL.
So Lacy jumped out and started running back to see if she could find it.  I in the meantime drove on, turned around and went back too.

And there, right in the middle of the road was our parcel.   And there was this lady coming out to grab it ... so I jumped outta me car and said "That is mine thank you", grabbed it and let rip with a whistle so Lacy could know I'd found it.

YES  I can whistle like a sheep farmer!  Really, really LOUD.  lol

So... eventful... luckily the parcel had not been run over... it would have been  RUINED utterly if it was run over!

ABOVE:  The freakin parcel... it's got a few scuff marks, but on a whole it came out unscathed. 
After that fun and games I dropped Lacy and all three bubs back to my house, then went and picked up Brylee and Griffin so they can come out to the airport with me. 
Lacy can become 'THE NANNY' again.  She gets no pay though... I just feed her sometimes!  ha ha.  Whoops... I just remembered that I ate some of her sushi in the car on the way home!  Oh well.... swings and roundabouts eh?

Well... Steve and Bex are safely home... both are over tired, over wrought and just plain miserable.  Both are very sunburnt... and Bex has lots of oedema going on.  Just as well we see the midwife tomorrow.

They got to fly home on the very special All Black Air New Zealand plane.  I grabbed this photo off the 'net as I couldn't get a decent photo myself.  This plane was painted All Black for the Rugby World Cup... as the World Cup Holders are the All Blacks, the best rugby team in the world.  *smiles*  (I'm not biased, hell no, not at all !)

End of Day:  rather tired tonight!  Lots of to'ing and fro'ing... but happy to have Steve and Bex safely home again.
nite nite.


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