I am hoping like hell our newest grandbaby arrives today!
Bex is going to be induced at about 9am this morning if she hasn't started 'proper' labour by then.

It has to be done as her waters have been gone for over 24 hours.

In the meantime, I've got a few photos from yesterday.  

Steve got bored waiting for 'things' to happen,  so he decided to rip out our Dish Drawers (Dishwashers) as they were both malfunctioning... they are utter crap machines as far as I'm concerned.  They break down ten times faster and more than any other dishwasher we have ever had.

 ABOVE: nutting it out... while Bex stands around hoping for... PAIN!

 ABOVE:  a belly shot... before it's not a burgeoning belly any more.

 ABOVE:  it took him quite a while to get the darn things out... they had been secured to the sides of the cabinet in an unconventional way...

ABOVE:... so he had to pull them apart a fair bit to get the buggers out.

 ABOVE: hamming it up... what a pussy.

ABOVE: FINALLY... the shitty things are out.  I am going to be buying a new dishwasher, a 'normal' conventional one in the New Year. 

Until then... I have a nice 'gap' to use as storage for a while.

ABOVE: OR.... it could be a handy place to park the baby!  *smiles*

Keera has an access visit with her Father today at Sylvia Park... I expect Stew will take her cos I will be taking Bex and Steve to the Hospital IF she has not gone into 'proper' labour during the night.

I am going to SCHEDULE this POST for first thing in the morning (Saturday),  if anything changes during the night I will add it on after this....  fingers crossed for a productive day.
Everyone is dying to meet Baby Foe!

Morning!  Just got tapped on me back by Steve... Bex had a huge gush of water escape... and now 'OMG Contractions' have started, they are about 4-5 minutes apart... so we will be heading off to the hospital at some point this morning to finally meet Baby Foe. 

Bex is having regular, strong contractions... we will be heading off to the hospital at 9am to meet up with Debs the midwife.  Can't wait!

Steve here via my super duper handy dandy phone, just to let y'all know we got to hospital ok, although the contractions have temporarily halted, so its gonna be a long day. Will try and update again with more news when I can, but untill then I will go back and try coax my stubborn little bastard out :D

Just to keep ya all up to date, pains are starting to get worse and shorter times between contractions, his arrival is coming ever closer. Super excited expectant father I am. Will chat again soon, untill then don't envy us too much hehe

It is me Steve, back to update one last time for the day. Things are coming along slowly but surely, unfortunately that does mean an all nighter at the hospital :(

I hope all of you out there in blogger land have yourself a great day, and I will endeavour to update you early tommorrow  if possible. So until then stay cheery, and dream of just how gorgeous my baby is going to be :D

End of day: Figured I had better continue mums trend, exhausting day, but progress in small amounts is better then none. Night night, and don't forget that its not Steves fault he is so awesome, he was born that way.


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