Hold ya breath, I've got a few photos today...

ABOVE:  Hmmm, baby is asleep on his Mum and Dad's bed.... why?

ABOVE:  something is happening...

 ABOVE:  Aaa haaa... now I see!  Seems he was getting a bit cramped in his bassinet...

ABOVE:  he sure seems happy in the cot. Heaps more room, and airy. It was hot in his bassinet.

ABOVE:  Think this is adorable?

 ABOVE:  What about this one?

ABOVE: Or this one?  Keera is getting a kiss from Grandad.  

ABOVE:  I LOVE THIS ONE!  and... I have only just noticed... Dante has the exact same shaped head and hairline as his Grandad!

ABOVE:  Whoops, Dante has had enough of this 'photo shoot'.  Keera is inclined to agree, but she is more concerned about the noise in her ear!

ABOVE: Dante having the first proper sleep in his cot.  I bet Steve and Bex can't wait for the next 'stage'...

I am waiting for the repairs to be done, then I am moving some serious shit in this house! 
More on that AFTER the repairs are done.

TODAY: hmmmm.... I am going to sew up some cot sheets.  Clearly it NOW needs to be done seeing as Dante is in the cot eh.

Now, before I forget, here's a question:

When is YOUR 'worst time' during the day when it comes to craving something/anything???
Mine is AFTER dinner, until bedtime.  So for about 4 hours I'm thinking of FOOD, and that is when I feel a bit deprived.  I crave sweet things.  Badly.

So far (and long may it last) I have resisted temptation.

How do YOU resist temptation?  How do you get through that shit time when all you want to do is dive head first into a box of chocolates?

I really hope this phase passes soon!  It will be a right pain in the butt if I have to go through that every evening.


Bex, Dante and I are off to the mall (Manukau)... I have a parcel to post, and we can have a wander around the shops.
It's another stunning day ... the cicada's are in full chirp and the lawns are crispy dry.
I think everyone is looking forward to winter.

Back home, and it's already 1pm!  Frig the day goes fast.

Talking about cravings after dinner.  I DON'T feel hungry after dinner at all, it's just a CRAVING.  And it is something I am learning to resist, because now I sit there saying to myself :
"I don't need it, I just WANT it."

There is a difference.  Snacking is pure self indulgence, and something I am winning the war on.

The way I am feeling is going to be better than any sweet or treat will taste.

BUT... I am going to have 1 treat a week... so I don't get all crabby and feel deprived ALL THE TIME.
That is the best way to end up diving into the chocolate!

Now... a couple of photos this morning:

 ABOVE:  Steve in the 'popular chair'... it's Stew's chair.  So, he got the dogs as well as Dante.

 ABOVE:  cuteness overload.  Dante likes the TV.
Coco... well she just likes anyone's lap.

ABOVE: Tracy down at the mall... we can't get past her without her snatching our babies!  She has changed jobs, she used to work at the Camera shop, but now works right next door at the INK shop.

ABOVE:  Bex bought me these gorgeous ear rings!  I adore them.  Blue - tick.  Nautical - tick. Bling - tick!

Just had a very late lunch, a small baked potato with onion, baked beans and cheese.  That will keep me full until bedtime almost!

I'm making the family homemade pizzas for dinner.  Chicken, cranberry sauce, spinach, feta cheese and some onion, served with a side salad.  Should be nice.

End of Day:  dinner went down rather well!  I ended up making 4 pizzas, which was quite a bit of work, but worth it.
Watched some tv then whoops!  I remembered I was supposed to be making some cot sheets... so might have to do that before going to bed.
nite nite.


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