Well... that is the question.

I had a very modest dinner last night at my Aunt's.  And dessert was VERY SMALL... and I am sure it did no 'damage' at all.

So... my quandary now is... do I have that Movenpick ice cream or not?

My head is trying to say "NO", cos I really don't NEED it.  But there is that naughty little devil saying I deserve it.   I've been dreaming of that ice cream all week!

So... should I or shouldn't I?

I think this is one decision I am going to regret, no matter which way I choose!  DAMMIT.

TODAY.... sew?
Or... go to a nice beach and have a walk?
Or... stay in bed all morning?

Everyone slept in today. It's looking like being a lazy sunday.  

LYN:  Clearly you have no idea EXACTLY what I do every day... and how hard it is to stay on track, allowing yourself NO 'treats' at all during the week.
I think choosing to have ONE treat a week is totally acceptable.
As I said last night, the 'dessert' last night was a very small fruit tart.  Probably only 'worth' 150 calories, or 1.5 WW Points.

Where do you get off saying:

"Treating yourself for what? The exercise and really good eating you've maintained this week? Seems to me like you are not really committed to this... If you're already treating yourself for what actually amounts to very little effort."

In what way is saying that 'helpful'?  Or polite? If you only have scathing comments to post, how about you fuck off?

Right... I'm off to have a very late shower and tidy up me room, before Stew and I go and do the grocery shopping.

And... before anyone else has a go at me... I had already decided an hour or so ago that I would NOT have an ice cream today.  I don't feel like it.  And I don't want to disappoint MYSELF.

OK... sort of funny ... how me having an ice cream or not can provoke so many comments!
Thanks for the support ... maybe tomorrow I will tell ya all that I feel like a KFC Burger and Chips and see what happens!

But seriously, I do feel utterly committed to doing the right thing for me, and that is watching what I eat, being careful with portion sizes, and getting a bit more exercise every week.

I love how being in control feels... I had forgotten how BLOODY GOOD it can be.
And today is Day 10!   Ten days down... and only 20 to go till my first weigh in.  I CAN'T WAIT, because I am sure I am doing this right, it is sustainable, and with no deprivation.

 ABOVE:  on our way home with the groceries, we picked up Lacy and Keera.  Here is our Little Miss Muppet trying to scrag Coco.

ABOVE:  she is so cute... such a happy baby.

ABOVE: her hair isn't so crazy today!

I have asked everyone in the house what way they think looks better with my hair.  ALL OF THEM prefer no fringe! edit:  STEVE said I didn't ask him.  Booo Hooo.


So ... I'm now growing it out I suppose!
I only liked the fringe cos you couldn't see the bloody re-growth so fast, but I tend to agree, no fringe it will be. (in a few months it should be gone.)

My camera gets a bashing... it's always being pulled out and used!   Today was no exception... but I will only give you 2 photos today:

 ABOVE:  Keera and Dante with me... I'm bloody hot and sweaty.  Not pretty.  It wasn't the best shot of Keera either, but I only had one semi decent one of me and the babes.

ABOVE:  Lacy decided to clean Teddy's eyes, he often has mucky eyes.  She did some dry retching!  Lightweight Chick.  lol

Steve is cooking dinner, Bex is giving him a hand.  Man I'm loving this 'share the cooking' lark.

End of Day:  the 'kids' cooked beef meatballs with a tomato/mushroom sauce, over noodles.  It was lovely.   I'm watching a silly movie on the telly, then off to bed.
It's been a lovely quiet, relaxing day.
nite nite.


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