I think I'm going to call this weekend 'The Calm Before The Storm'.


Because on Monday the builders arrive to start work on the kitchen repair... and I really don't know exactly what they will be doing!  I think the cupboard uprights have to be replaced.   And the corrugated metal thingee along the outside of the kitchen bench has to be ripped off to see what water damage has been done behind it.  Apart from that, I've no idea!

And then on Wednesday and Thursday the flooring is being ripped up and replaced.

So... this weekend better be nice and quiet, cos it is going to be bedlam next week!

Steve, Bex and Dante are off to Hamilton this weekend... visiting with some of Bex's family.
It will be nice for them to get out and enjoy being their own little family for a couple of days.

While they are away, Stew, the kids and I will probably have a very pleasant weekend too.

I have plans to make a 4-5 section screen for in the garage.

ABOVE:  something like this.  The beauty of mine will be that I can change the fabric when I get bored with it!  I'm quite excited at the prospect of making it because it is for a special area in the garage.

More on that another day... say in two weeks or so.

So today will be about getting up to date with the housework, washing etc, then moving on to do some sewing and perhaps getting the materials necessary for making the screen.

Yaaa... I love projects.


ABOVE: this kid makes me smile... this was his face when the flash went on my camera... so cute.

ABOVE:  I'm gunna miss him while he's in Hamilton.

Well... I've almost got three bags cut out and ready to go.  
We went out and priced the wood, hinges, etc for making the screen, and picked up a few groceries.

I'll probably go and get the wood etc tomorrow.  For now... I'm going to go have a quiet hour or so before getting back to the sewing.

End of Day:  well I got a good amount of 'sewing' done tonight... even if it wasn't actually sewing!  I finished cutting out three CUTE BAGS ... two are on order and the third is a spare... someone will want it one day!
nite nite


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