I have no intention of doing bugger all today!
I am going to prepare a few meals in advance, so if our kitchen is out of bounds at any point over the coming week, we can still eat!

I'm thinking of making a huge meatloaf or two, and a couple of nice beef stews that can be frozen and brought out as we need them.

THANK YOU PAULA for the excellent idea!

Once I have got that done I will then go downstairs and work on the three bags I got started last night.
It took ages to cut out all the bags pieces... and pin up the parts that need quilting...

ABOVE:  see... three all ready to go!
The picture quality sucks because I'm having to use an crap camera card.  My good card is full... so I need to get it copied off to a disc asap.

So... that's the plan for today.... and bugger it... I just remembered we have to do the grocery shopping too.  Well, at least I will have all the necessary ingredients for the stews and meatloaf I suppose.   Have to find a positive in going grocery shopping if possible eh?


Apparently it's raining in Hamilton!  Now we just have to hope it's coming our way too!
We all stayed in bed till well after 9am today... bliss.

After the kids and Stew have had their breakfast we will go and do the shopping.
Online shopping?  Well I did think about it once or twice, but haven't done it yet.  I'm not sure the supermarket where we shop would deliver to our place... we are a bit of a distance from them.

It's RAINING !!!!  Real heavy rain... we needed this so badly.  I hope it gets up north where it is desperately needed.  

The rain... lasted about half an hour.  Now... we have sunshine and steam.  Humidity is high again.

Grocery shopping is done... and all put away... except the meat.
When Steve gets home (in an hour or so), the men will move the big double fridge/freezer into the lounge in readiness for the big 'fix it' this week.

Stew cooked an amazing dinner tonight!  Roast leg of lamb, roast potatoes and onions, peas, broccoli and cauliflower in a cheese sauce and gravy.  OMG it was so good.

My turn tomorrow... will be hard to top that dinner.  
Tomorrow.  *sigh*  Not sure what to expect as the builders will only be here for a few hours after lunch.  Probably not much will get done.

End of Day:  There's some changes coming in this house, and I don't mean the repairs.  It will be a waiting game... but it will be a significant change when it does happen.  I'm not 100% happy about it, but it does have it's good points I suppose.
nite nite.


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