The builders are supposed to arrive around lunchtime today.  I really hope they can do the repairs fast... because if they can't get it all done today, they will have to come back on the 12th, which will just drag it out for another week.

I hate distruptions in my house.  This is doing me head in... but at least I am managing to hold my frustrations in.

I am one of the most impatient people I KNOW! I want it done YESTERDAY!

When I know I have to wait, it just makes me anxious... because I don't know exactly what the builders have to do, and if I have to take everything out of the kitchen cupboards?  Cover everything from dust?  Bla bla bla.  See... already doing me head in.

I think I have a touch of OCD sometimes.  

Sheesh, I don't even have a photo to start the day with!  Outrageous!

So instead I give you the number 25.  25 Days of following our OFL plan.  25 days of being spot on with everything.  25 days of feeling bloody proud of myself

Yes, I got bored hence all the colours. I will come back later with some photos of hunky builders... I hope!  There has to be some positives eh?   *smiles*


TRACY:  as the builders will be here today, I will find out all the finer details today I suppose.
My biggest concern is how much dust there might be when they do the back garage wall... because we have a lot of stuff/equipment in the garage.

So far, today has not gone to plan for me.  I felt really ill when I was making the lunches so had to go back to bed for a while.  I've got a cracking headache and my tummy is doing flip flops.  

You know when you put on a top that is just that wee bit too tight and it pulls across your back?  Well today I put on a top that was way too tight last time I tried to wear it.... and today?  IT FITS again!   Shit that's such a neat feeling!!!

I brought Lacy and Keera over for the day... Lacy has done some housework for me, and so has Bex.  Now we just have to wait for the builder to arrive....

Anti climax ... the builder arrived, mucked around with kick boards in the kitchen... then left!  Seems it's only the kick boards that need to be replaced.  And he has to get them ordered and made... so who knows how long that will take!
I cannot BELIEVE the building company didn't order the new kick boards WEEKS AGO,  when they knew they would have to be replaced!   Freaking useless.

I didn't even bother to take a photo... it wasn't worth it!

Now I am like... CRABBY.  Annoyed.  Frustrated.  

The flooring man is calling in shortly to drop off materials and 'scope' the job.  *sigh*  Don't tell me they don't know what the hell they are doing either.  Surely not?


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