Man meals

and this is a post about how guys typically eat. big portions, hearty, meaty and sometimes a little scrappy.

man meals 3

my brother and I were left at home friday night so we somehow we justified our meal by "freeing up space in the freezer" and "leftovers". my brother made a fried rice that had more fillings than rice. and bbq'd 3 huge zuccini's and each had our own rack of ribs (from the dozen of frozen rib boxes my mom has stashed in our freezer downstairs).

man meal 2

wednesday night, vince and i went out for dinner at swiss chalet. he's moving to calgary for a year or so, and needed a good chat. I'm always up for a good chat so it was a good evening to just bond and make sure his mind and emotions are ready for his big career move. I wish him all the best in Calgary! I know in my heart that this is a good step for him, and as hard as it will be for him and J, the year will fly by before they know it, and this decision he's making is a good one. I should also mention that Vince had 4 gravy's with his mash potatoes (its something he's done since highschool).. I had one chalet sauce with my pot pie, fries and salad meal. damn, swiss chalet is so tasty!

man meal 1

living with may, we love eating breakfast.. I think its fair to say.. its our favourite meal.. and even on a regular weekday we'd try to make a big breakfast (well i definately did). People tend to favour little yogurts and whimpy cereals; call themselves healthy, then maunch on a massive lunch. When i'm not lazy, i try to make a big breakfast as much as possible.. This is a breakfast bagel, with ham, egg, cheese, tomatoes on a bagel. I also had an apple


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