thanksgiving dinner in toronto

Without a doubt, every year my mom will have people over for thanksgiving dinner. Usually its my mom's cousins and their families. This year my cousin William was able to join us too as he's working in Toronto now. It was a long night of endless eating and rockband beatles.

smoke salmonroasted pumkin

May's actually already had a sneak peak at the photos. She was drawn to the smoke salmon that Darrick wrapped up with greens. The roasted pumpkin was roasted to a perfect texture, tender but not breaking apart. I actually dont know what herbs my mom used.. but it looks like she used some of my oregano


And of course, lots of meat as per usual. We roasted a Ham and a Turkey to feed us 15 people or so. Yes we are still eating some left over turkey =]

cauliflower parsnips brussell sproutsBlueberry & Rhubarb pie from Elmira

my favourite: brussel sprouts. Little Hayden discovered that he liked brussel sprouts too, but i'm not sure if he actually liked them, or just said he did because i said so. Parsnips were a hit as i dont think these Chinese families come across them very often. Emily bought a blueberry and rhubarb pie from Elmira. Sooo good!


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