swiss fondue


I've heard so much about the Swiss cheese fondue before going on the trip, so finding a fondue place was the first thing we did.

The guy at our hostel pointed us to this location on the pier, but we couldn't find it. Helena asked a guy in front of a shack that looked like a fast food place, and the guy went: "Where do you think it is?" then he pointed the shack to us. Turns out this fondue place is owned by a non-profit organization and is ran on a self service basis. It's nothing what we were expecting.

The fondue, though, is really delicious! It's such a simple meal, just cheese and bread, but it's really filling and satisfying. Price wise, we were told that this is one of the cheapest places to have fondue in Geneva, but we still spent about 60 Swiss Fancs between the two of us. Everything is more expansive in Switzerland though, be prepared we you go there!


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