Here I am

I haven't been here for so long! Gabe has filled in about where I've been what happened with the crazy flight situations. I'm so happy to see him after all these months! oh and those macrons he bought me are just delicious! Unfortunately, I could only stay in Toronto for 4 days and now I'm in Vancouver visiting my family, will be back in the new year.

While I have all this free time I'll post some yumminess from the 10 trip in Europe. First up is a cold cuts dish we had in Milan, I call it panini without the buns. On my plate, there's parma ham, tomatoes, basil goat cheese and mushrooms. I can't remember what the purple thing is called, but it's kind of like cabbage but more stringy..Helena had roasted beef, artichokes and brie.

Parma ham is divine



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