instant eats

often i'll just mash together leftovers with quick pantry conviences and extra food in our fridge. that usually is what i have for lunch. and sometimes its not worth photographing, but these ones are.

watercress eggs sausage instant noodles

watercress is so good!! so simple, you just boil it, and its got a nice sweet undertone and its so green you know its gotta be healthy for you. poach an egg, add a sausage with instant noodles, BAM!

perogies with pork belly bits and basil

perogies have got to be one of the best frozen foods, you can boil it, steam it, pan fry it, fry or even bake i'm sure. You can also microwave it (altho we dont have or use one). All you need is to add a veggie and/or veggie and the crispy potato dumplings will compliment anything. My preference is to boil then pan fry the perogies because its the fastest, and i like things crispy. here i've used up some leftover pork belly (cut out the fat, and chopped it into bits), added a little chili pepper then added the chopped basil at the end. The pork and basil ingredients were the surplus items from a previous meal and the perogies were simply to facilitate the use of that.. voila! another quick meal.

i dont know why, but i take a lot of pride in creatively using up extra grocery ingredients, partly cuz its a good sustainable mentality but more so, that its just a fun challenge. Almost anyone can be an amazing interior decorator if they anything and everything at their disposals (furniture catalogues, colour palettes, big budgets) but like with any design or creative moment, i always value more the idea of working with what you've got.


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