italian eats

okay maybe not completely authentic.. but pasta and cheese reminds me or Rome.

procuitto bunches

So we try to eat the best we can, but i think eating savy is also just as worthy. We like to make a trip to costco now and again not just for the value but also to get unique things you'd never find in a regular grocery store. Pictured above is a double ginormous pack of pasta. Each box is good enough for 2 meals each for May and I. We normally have it for dinner, then lunch the next day. This double costo pack we plan to space it out over a week or more.

procuitto bunches

Here we mixed the pasta with our favourite Vodka rose tomato sauce ($3.99 at fiesta farms) and topped it with arugula and grilled shitake mushrooms we picked up at Foodie Mart ($1!). quick math tells me that each portion of this meal costed us under $3/each.

cheese night

and then we had cheese too! here we have bourisin, jarlsburg and a mild blue cheese. whoo! ps. cheese at costco is also a lot cheaper


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