pumpkin korma re-invented

so we bought a pumpkin and wanted to make something out of it. this meal focus on the pumpkin in which i chopped up into large chunks, then stewed with some korma paste out of a jar.

dinner for two

dinner for two, here you see us eating chinese style aka, two dishes and our bowls of rice. so you have the korma pumpkin topped with chicken breast, zuccini, and shrimp. the green dish is pea sprouts stir fried with garlic (yum!).

william's lunchbox

after dinner, we realized how much pumpkin we had, and called to see if william wanted a lunch for work tomorrow. he came over and this is what he had for him =]

leftover korma pumpkin

the very next day, i was determined to re-invent the pumpkin korma. not because it tasted bad, it actually was really good! but eating all that pumpkin between the two of us was a huge task so i decided on turning it into a soup

onion tomato base

i looked around online to get some ideas and decided that i wanted to add components rather than just plainly liquify it with milk/cream/stock. i decided to add a can of tomatoes to carmelizing onions to form a new soup base, then i added a small can of stock and a little bit of milk and voila!

dinner for two re-invented

okay so basically its the same meal, but now the left over korma chicken zuccini shrimp was piled on top of the rice with some left over pea sprouts intermingled. And we now had a soup! that was nice and earthy, spicy (korma + i added some cayenne) and then some sprinkled toasted pumpkin seed.


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