ABOVE: Yesterday's effort! I managed to make 36 cards from about 1pm to 9.30pm last night.
First thing this morning I am taking this lot to the shop... then I am coming home and relaxing for a while!

Today I also have to take Griffin to his SPELD lesson.... so I will be able to read in the car for an hour at least. Yaaaa.

When I get back from that... I shall plonk my butt on a lazyboy chair and read some blogs! I didn't get to read any yesterday..!
Sheesh, hope I didn't miss anything .....

12.45pm.. just got home. Griffin will be having a longer SPELD lesson next term and thereafter... so hopefully he will progress faster. I was going to make it two lessons each week, but it's just too expensive. *sigh*... bloody money and lack of eh?

AS for my cards.... feeling so chuffed about the shop... the manager said they sold like 'hot cakes' and she expected be be seeing lots more of me and my cards! A man came into the shop this morning first thing and called me an 'Artist'... that made me laugh! Left there feeling quite proud of myself.

Right ... time to sit down and read a few blogs me thinks...

HA! I'm a shocker.... I went out and got some more fabric for the cards.. and have been cutting it out, getting the card ready etc! I just love making them... OBVIOUSLY. *sigh*.....

End of Day: eeee GADS! It's 12.30am... and I am still not in bed! GOING right now... nite nite.


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