Another weekend rolls around... and as per usual (lately) we don't have any plans for the day.
It will all depend on the weather really... and lately it's been CRAP. Wet, wet, wet.

I might persuade Stew to go over to the North Shore ... I'd love to have a really good browse through the Scrapbook Shop over there, then we could go to the Albany Mall for lunch. We haven't been over there for a while afterall.

So, that's about all for now... update later....


Well! WE have been out and about all day... did indeed visit the Scrapbook Shop... where I bought a few bits and bobs, found a new Stamp shop in Milford and got two more stamps too. Had lunch at Albany Mall.. which was nice as per.
I have decided that I HATE malls when it's the weekend... s0 many people! It drives us nuts when you are constantly getting cut off, forced to duck and dodge people all the time... grrrrrr.

The new pill I am taking is making me tired all the time... when we got home I fell asleep on the couch... hope I can sleep tonight.

I don't have a photo for today.. there was nothing worth taking a pic of... it's a miserable, wet, overcast day... heading into the evening now.

End of Day: and Stew is in 7th Heaven... the rugby has started again... he's been fixated on the TV all night. The All Blacks won against Ireland : 66 / 28. So he's a happy man. Yaaaaa. Am I thrilled the rugby is back on? *sigh* I suppose if it makes me man happy... I'm happy too. Can you just SEE the smile on me dial? lol

nite nite.


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