ABOVE: in this photo Coco looks as big as Teddy! She isn't really... it's just that Ted has just been groomed and is behind her... he is easily 3 kilos heavier... poor boy... steroids are making him too heavy and I really must put him on a DIET. *sigh*, as if one of us on a perpetual diet isn't enough!

Poor boy... after spending almost 6 hours at the groomers yesterday he was totally KNACKERED. All he wanted to do was sleep. Awwwwww...

Now what's the hap's today? meh.....housework, then pick up Griffin and take him to his SPELD lesson... which means I get to sit in the car for over an hour waiting for him... cos it's too far to come home and then go back later for him. What fun. I hope like hell these lessons do some good.

At least I will be comfy.. and I'll take a book... and Diet Coke and me lunch... I suppose it's not that bad!

ONWARD.... Just sent the kids to school 10 minutes early... it was either that or throttle Brylee! I swear to god, out of all the kids I have raised she has the biggest mouth on her! She NEVER shuts up! She just goes on and on and on and on... and 90% of the time she is talking utter crap, or just saying something to annoy Griffin... or giving him information that is WRONG... gawd I wish I could gag her sometimes. So, today I sent her out the door (and Griffin) early! I just can't stand it some days.

I may be sleeping much much better these days, but I'm still waking up grumpy! Isn't Stew lucky he gets to leave BEFORE I rear my grumpy head!

YIKES! Looks like Griffin will be going to his SPELD lesson twice in a week... IF I can find another $50 a week... which will mean I am paying $100 a week! *sigh*... looks like this tart is NOT going to be doing much shopping in the future. BUT, if it means Griffin will learn to read and write and do maths.. I DON'T CARE. He comes first... his whole life is ahead of him... I want him to feel good about himself, and 'fit' in with normal people... not be illiterate.

He is being teased at school again too.. so I am going to organise another IEP to address that, and to get them to co-ordinate with the SPELD Teacher on a way forward with his learning.

It was actually really nice sitting in the car out in the countryside ... reading a magazine and listening to the birds this morning. It's such a lovely day today.... very warm out there too!

ABOVE: Coco is sleeping in a basket at my feet... Teddy is not a happy boy and wants nothing to do with her today. More about him tomorrow... I am not happy either.

Had a shitty phone conversation (all of about three words) with my Mother today.... now I'm feeling really down.

End of Day: started out good, ended so-so. I can see how easy it would be for me to slip backwards into depression SO EASILY. Dammit. What the hell is wrong with me that I can't take anything stressful anymore without throwing a tizz??? nite nite.



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