Yep, we are NOT happy .... when Teddy came home from the groomers on Wednesday, Stew was holding him and felt something under his chin, on the neck... we looked and saw that he had been grazed quite badly on his neck, by the clippers presumably?

As Teddy is a 'scratchy' dog I hoped like hell he would leave it alone to heal.... but he didn't. Yesterday afternoon I could see him scratching it... and checked. He has made a huge mess of his neck... so I have had to put the cone back on him. Knowing what he's like... the cone will be on for weeks. DAMMIT.

I also rang the Dog Groomers to let them know what had happened, what THEY had done... and to let them know that I was rather upset .... wonder if I will hear from them? Time will tell eh?

One thing is for sure, he ain't going back there. *sigh*

I got a phone call at 7.30 this morning from the manager of the Grooming place... she's so sorry and wants to refund our money.... and could I let her see Teddy, to see the damage? Fine... she is going to feel REALLY BAD when she sees just how bad he is!

He is so miserable he wouldn't even come out of his bed this morning... we had to carry him out! He won't move! It must hurt like hell.

I am supposed to be going to the Hospice Shop this morning too... but I am going to the Vet's at 8.45... I think Teddy will need antibiotics now to clear up the oozing infection he has already. Poor boy.

Today has gone well... I got an appointment for Teddy at the Vet's for 8.45am... he is now on antibiotics and special cream for the wound. After the vets I took him to the Groomers so they could see the damage and she was nice and paid the $88 vet bill.

Then I went to 'work' at the Hospice Shop, which was really busy and I loved it! I bought a few things (DOH!)... which I will show ya later... for now I'm starving and want me lunch.

ABOVE: My purchases today.. a little cane tray for Brylee to use in her room $3, a material pouch holder thingee $2, an almost new lifejacket $3 and a ski suit for Brylee $4... so in all I spent a whopping $12! Didn't I do well!

!!!!!WARNING !!!!!!...... next two photos are gruesome... don't be eating your lunch or dinner while looking!

ABOVE: In case you thought I was exaggerating about Ted's neck!

ABOVE: My poor boy... it makes me want to cry seeing him so bad.
ABOVE: I wanted to wash it first... but she just had to try it on! Cute eh?
End of Day: and I am knackered! It's been a busy day... and TGIF! I can sleep in tomorrow.... YAAaaaaa. Teddy's neck is looking even worse now... the vet said to leave his cone off so it could heal better.... CRAP! Teddy scratched himself AGAIN... and made it worse. Cone is back on. nite nite.


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