I got my spa last night, it was BLISSFUL... and it did not rain.  In fact, although it was really cold out, once in the spa it was fine.  The sky was clear, I could see stars. BLISS is the word for it.

The Puppies:  Well most of them have their eyes HALF OPEN... so fully open can't be far away.  It's weird, after having their eyes firmly closed for the first two weeks , now that they are opening they look so different!

I'm still not ready to take photos of their faces properly until their eyes are fully open.
Until then you can feast your eyes on them:

ABOVE:  There is always ONE REBEL who has to lie differently!  This time it's Kiba, usually it's Bruiser, who I have taken to calling 'Fat Bastard',  cos he is!  lol  He's so much BIGGER than everyone else.  Can you TELL which one is Bruiser???

 ABOVE:  does he look contented or what!

 ABOVE:  just... having... a... stretch...

ABOVE: Ahhh... dat's better... ZZZZzzzzzz.........

TODAY:  I'm going to get some exercise, then sit down and plan meals for the next week or two... so I have NO EXCUSE to have silly meals.  We are all GAINING weight at the moment and it's got to stop!
And the only one who can do that for everyone... is ME!  I am the one who feeds them (and me)... so it's up to me to make better choices for dinner.  We have to cut down on the carbs in this house.  It's ridiculous how much we eat.


I've been out and bought some nice fresh veges and steak for tonight's dinner.
For lunch I am having a little bit of chicken and fresh veges.
I rang Stew and told him "Prepare to Starve"... as he has been going OVERBOARD with his portions lately ( so have I )... I intend to make him lose at least 8 kilos by Christmas... and me 10.  It CAN be done.

Lunch was lovely, Steve and I had stir fried chicken and red onion on top of par-cooked cabbage!  It may sound weird, but it was nice!

After that I had a nana nap!  That was nice too... I had Teddy lying on my back the whole time so he was like my little hottie bottle! 
The weather has turned lovely today... blue skies and sunshine... still cool but certainly not freezing any more.

PUPS EYES:  are all open, but only just, not wide open.

BEASTIE GIRL:  Yes, we are selling the pups... even though it is going to be hard parting with them when the time comes.  *sniff*

ABOVE:  Sienna playing with the cute toy I sent over for her.  Apparently she LOVES IT.  Awwwww.  Isn't she beautiful?

End of Day:  Apparently Stew and I are off to the moves!  Going to see 'Something Borrowed'... I'm sure Stew is going to LOVE IT.  lol
nite nite.


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