The two lounge chair backs are being brought back today.  It's been a bugger without them... the chairs were not useable with no backs obviously.

Now I suppose I shall have to ring Harvey Norman and see if they are doing anything about the dye transfer?  Knowing my luck, nothing will happen about that.  So, I have to sit on me lounge suite naked then.  Yaaaa.
Wonder if HN would like me to do that in their showroom?

I am going to make a start on either an apron or a kids dress today... some of the fabric I won from Cyndi in America is going to be used for the girls dresses... it's so pretty!

ABOVE:  pretty!  The one on the right in the lower photo is sort of 'textured' ... like bobbly?  Not sure how to describe it really, but it's not just flat fabric.  It's going to look so cute as a dress with the other bold colours as contrasts.

I can't thank Cyndi enough for such beautiful fabrics!

So, the lounge chairs came back...

ABOVE:  Am I being picky in thinking they look massively OVERSTUFFED compared to the couch now?  And I might add, they are not very comfortable now!  Please tell me what you think?

I have done some sewing... I needed some calico to back the apron I'm working on, so at lunchtime I headed down to Spotlight in Manukau and got some.  As Harvey Norman's is right beside Spotlight I decided to pop in and talk to Fred, the Serviceman and tell him what I think of the chairs now; and ask him what's the haps with the dye problem?

Well,  he strongly advised me to send him an email detailing IN WRITING all the concerns I have with the suite so he could present it to his boss on Monday morning.  He also advised me to come to the meeting so I could talk it over with 'The Boss'. 
So that's what I have been doing for well over an hour!  Getting it all down in chronological order, adding before and after photos etc.   *sigh*

And as Steve pointed out, what's to stop the backs of the couch seats from sagging too?  And what if the chair backs sag AGAIN? 

The 'Saga' continues.

I do feel that after Monday we may have some resolution.  Scrap the meeting on Monday... apparently Fred's Branch Manager is away so Fred has forwarded my email on to the General Manager.  He has promised to get back to me on Monday with feedback.

Amanda is on her way up to drop Emily off... we are having her from tonight until Monday night as Amanda & Andrew are working.  

End of Day:  Amanda arrived in time for dinner then she went back to Hamilton.  Emily is sitting!  Looking forward to our long weekend with her. 
nite nite.


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