I finished an apron last night, but I'm not happy with it.  I decided to add a few inches in the width to make sure it would cover the chest (mine = ample) but now it's a bit too big.  And I can't unpick it as I've done a really good job of putting it together and adding fancy stitching on the neck edge.   Grrrrrr.

So today I think I will just try making a wee girl's dress instead.  I would have done that yesterday but I had to pre-wash the fabric and get it dry first.
Now that's done I can give it a go!

Luckily Steve and Stew will be able to watch Emily for me ... it's not like I have to care for her 100% which is great.  She is a delight though... and I'm sure I will take a few photos of her to put on the blog later on.

Lunch... probably will be had at Sylvia Park, or maybe Maraetai... it will depend on the weather.


LEIGH:  now there's an idea!  Thanks, I will try doing that.

We had a rough night with wee Emily.  She refused her 11 pm bottle... then proceeded to cry and whinge until I got up after midnight, when she finally took about 3/4 of her bottle.  BUT she did not settle for hours!  Cried on and off for hours, then 'talked' for a while before finally going to sleep at about 5.30 am!

She slept in until 9am which was nice.   But still did not want a bottle, so I 'forced' a good deal of baby food down her gob and now she's asleep again.   Poor baby has a cold which is no doubt why she's a bit 'off'.  You get that with babies, so we are not in the least bit fazed.

It's 'housework' this morning... I asked Stew to do some vacuming:

ABOVE:  Our 10 month old vacum... will not suck.  How typical.  The guys have pulled masses of fluff build-up out of the hose... so fingers crossed it goes now!

It's been a busy lunchtime/afternoon!
We went to Albany mall for lunch... while there I saw a nice towel rack thingee to put the bathmats on in the lounge... so we bought it.

 ABOVE:  the cute wee towel rack. 

While we were having lunch I decided to give Emily a chip to slobber on... she LOVED IT!  She didn't actually EAT any of it BTW, just tasted it.
And that is not a bad thing... she needs to experience differing tastes:

ABOVE:  Ummm... I added some Sweet N Sour sauce too... she loved that too.

ABOVE:  very pretty wrought iron Day Bed I fell in love with...

In the shop where we bought the towel rack they had a gorgeous wrought iron day bed/ couch... and I decided to sit on it to see just how comfy it was.  WELL!!!  
INSTANT the second I sat down the whole thing collapsed under me!   I was left with me bum on the floor and me knees and legs sticking up into the air!  OMG.   I BROKE the bed.
OMG.... I couldn't get up!
Stew and a shop assistant came over and hauled me up.... all I could do was think "Fuck do I have to buy it now that I broke it?"

LUCKILY for me it turned out that the slats were not installed properly ... so that's why it collapsed.  ***PHEW***    I couldn't get out of that shop fast enough I tell you!  

After leaving the mall we went and looked at some cars... and well.... we kinda put a deposit on a Kermit...

What?  You don't know what a Kermit is?
Well I will have to show/tell you tomorrow!  nah na na na  *smiles*

Just bathed our baby:

ABOVE:  I took about 50 photos!  So be thankful I only posted 4, cos I thought they were all adorable!  Brylee is only too happy to help keep Emily safe and happy in the bath... OH and I gave Emily a massage after her bath and she moaned and groaned with DELIGHT the whole time!  It really was so funny!  The minute I stopped she screamed.   My hands were getting sore ... that's how long she wanted me to continue.

End of Day:  I'm quite tired.  NO Amanda, not a car for Steve!
Off to relax now, Emily is finally sound asleep. nite nite.

SUSAN from the UK:  I really don't have the energy to defend that comment .... just know that I have raised 8 kids and do know what the hell I am doing. 
OK... found some energy.... I think 'forced' was too strong a word... let's just say I 'encouraged/cajoled' her to have some food OK?


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