Remember that job interview he went to about three weeks ago, that he had a 2nd interview for two weeks ago?
Well, after his 2nd interview the people interviewed at least another 100+ people and STILL chose Steve!

He goes in today to sign his contract and starts Thursday next week.

THIS IS THE BEST WEEK IN SO LONG.  First we have a FANTASTIC resolution with Harvey Norman's, and now our son has a job after months of trying to find one.

What is even better about this job for Steve is that it is just down the road in Manurewa!  He can get there easily on a bike... for now anyway.  I'm sure he will get himself a car before too long.

Now, as for today... Hospice for me until 1pm, then I am coming home to finally get around to blog reading!  My life has been so BUSY lately (as per usual really) I have been yet again neglecting to keep up with the blog news.  My bad.

ABOVE:  Here is a better photo of the new lounge suite... I can't wait to get it....


Steve's job is doing all the deliveries for a Furniture Shop... and keeping the Warehouse in order.  It's not THE JOB for life, but for now it's a JOB!  And he is keen as mustard to get started and be doing something constructive and physical again. 

I got a bit of 'treasure' today at Hospice...

 ABOVE:  a heap of old blankets PERFECT for the puppy's bedding... $6.00 !

 ABOVE: two really nice shirts (they are nicer than they look here) for Kelly I think.... $4.00

ABOVE:  a mirror for Brylee, a cute as glass bowl and three more tupperware containers... $10 the lot !

Awesome day so far!

LYNDA/LYNISE:  they actually physically interviewed about 25 people.

End of Day:  it's been a really nice day... finished off with dinner out. 
nite nite.


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