APPARENTLY puppies eyes should open between days 8-14, and today is day 12.  I can't wait for them to open their eyes!
They are going to look so darn cute when that happens.

You can bet your bottom dollar the moment they do I will be taking more photos.
We weighed them all again last night and now ... at day 12 they have all TRIPLED their birthweights.  Pinky and Tulip (our really little ones) seem to be holding their own... I may be worrying over nothing.  They are just little girl dogs is all.

ABOVE:  the latest two photos I grabbed off Facebook of our other infant granddaughter, Sienna.  Isn't she gorgeous!

TODAY: housework. Don't envy me now!...

New Zealand (where I live) is gripped in a fierce Antarctic Storm ... there is snow falling in places it has almost NEVER fallen before.  Here in Auckland it is FREEZING, we are having hail and heavy wind/rain...

I saw an advert on the telly last night saying Spotlight were having a huge 40% off EVERYTHING sale today, so I decided it would  be PRUDENT for me to go buy some fabric while it was so cheap.

So I drop the kids off at school and head off... just as I get on the motorway I am hit with a HUGE HAIL STORM... and within seconds the road was completely WHITE!

ABOVE:  it was quite awesome to see... all the traffic ground to a crawl... and stayed that way for miles!

The trip to Spotlight should have taken me about 15 minutes (Panmure store), but instead it took me over 40 minutes.  The traffic today is diabolical.

ABOVE:  the fabric I scored!   So wrapt.   I'm home now and it's so cold I'm turning on the gas fire in the lounge now... brrrr...

Just 20 minutes ago I was sitting in the lounge when I looked out the window at all the rain... and BUGGER ME  if it was not SNOWING!  Right here in South Auckland, there was a sprinkling of snow falling!!!
And no, it wasn't hail... it was SNOW!  AMAZING!!!

NO, I didn't get photos, it was too fleeting ... only lasted a few minutes.  Damn.
It's now sunny!!!

BEASTIE GIRL:  he's 24, and ain't you married? I feel like a pimp now.  lol

None of the pups have opened their eyes today.  Maybe tomorrow?
We had a huge hail storm this afternoon.... it was HAIL this time , not snow flurries. 
Steve and Griffin went out in it:

 ABOVE:  clearly they have not seen hail in a while!  Idiots!

ABOVE:  Steve made a 'hailman'... almost three hours later and it's still there!

ABOVE: somehow I don't think I will be having a spa tonight.  Just a bit too cold me thinks.  lol

Tulip opened her left eye!  It's happening people! 

End of Day:  would love to have a spa tonight, but just don't think I could handle the freezing cold wind/rain.  *sniff*
nite nite


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