First off, Kelly and Rena are visiting.  We haven't had them here for a while as we didn't want an inquisitive 3 year old near the would have been too stressful for Coco.
As it is we will have to 'fence off' the pups from Rena,  as I'm sure she will try to touch them!  We can't have that as they are still too little.

Then after lunch we are expecting Jaxx from Rotorua to visit ... she is picking her girl puppy!  I am so happy she is going to adopt one of our pups... at least I will be able to see how she (the pup) is doing on Jaxx's blog!

I wonder which girl she will pick???
Quite exciting.... and I know Jaxx is very excited too.  

And that's all we are expecting to happen today!

As promised yesterday, here is an up-to-date photo of the puppy's Dad, Mac:

ABOVE: this is Mac.  He's a fine specimen of a boy!  And he has a really lovely nature... very friendly.

ABOVE:  here we have Rhino (Grey boy) thinking about how to get out of the box!  It won't be long before we have to shut that door!

I am going to start referring to the puppy's by their 'colour' again.... the breeder yesterday said it makes it harder to sell them if they 'seem' to already have a name!  So, back to colours when referring to them.  (in our home they will still be called by the names we gave them)


I got out of bed (finally) just as Kelly arrived!  hee hee.
It's Father's Day here today, so because it's so hard to buy ANYTHING for Stew we went down to the Mall so he could choose something.
But... Steve rang and said Jackie was due to arrive so we headed back home ...

Jackie and her Husband David arrived and after much discussion chose Pinky as their new dog.
I'm sure if they could have, they would have taken her home right there and then!

ABOVE:  Jackie with Pinky (no new name yet)...

ABOVE:  me and Jackie and Pinky (asleep, bless her heart) ... Coco never left Jackie alone while she had her puppy!  Super protective she is, such a good mummy dog.

Now that our visitors have left I really should do a bit of housework... Steve and Stew have gone down to Rebel Sports, Stew thinks he will get some shorts for summer and Steve needs a couple more black trousers for work.  WORK!... he starts this Thursday!   I can't wait.... he is going to be so much happier having a job.

ABOVE:  so's Fathers Day... and Stew got up and fed the kids breakfast, then he put a curry on in the crock pot and hung out the washing.... and now?  He just bought ME flowers!  What a man eh?

End of Day:  Stew's curry was WONDERFUL!  What a treat not having to cook on the weekends.
Our son Russell and his partner Tess were on Skype tonight so we got to have a chat and see our youngest Granddaughter Sienna too.  She is the most adorable, cute, smiley little baby!
I took lots of 'snapshots' and will post some of them in a couple of days. 
nite nite.


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