Kelly visited yesterday with our Granddaughter, Rena.
Now usually when they visit it's a bit of a 'trial' for us,  as prior to yesterday Rena really didn't want anything to do with us... and would cry when we even looked at her!

BUT... yesterday she was a changed wee girl!
We had kisses and cuddles without tears, it was so nice.

Now of course I took a 'few' photos, so here we go!...

ABOVE:  CLEARLY... she takes after her Grandma in the looks department!   ha ha ha!

ABOVE:  she wasn't that keen on sitting next to Steve, but she let him lie down on her lap... and she scratched his face for him!  So Cute.

 ABOVE:  Checking out my jewellery... she ended up with my ear rings on her ears (see above photo) ... just hanging on inside her ears as she does not have pierced ears yet.

ABOVE:  we said "Where is your smile?"... trying to get a nice photo of her and Stew.   So with a child's logic... she pointed to her smile!   lol

 ABOVE: Stew got a lovely kiss goodbye... and I caught it!  Must say yesterdays visit was such a nice change from the past.

TODAY: Stew and I are doing the grocery shopping, and finalising the finance for the car.  All going well TOMORROW we can pick it up.


*sigh*.... so while I had it easy yesterday...I am not today.  The guys are still asleep, and I've washed and hung out 4 loads of washing, got the kids off to school and totally rearranged the pups pen so they have more room.

Once upon a time I could fit all 6 puppy's in one laundry basket, but not now.  I have to use two... and this morning Coco did this:

 ABOVE:  She got in the smaller basket with two of the pups!  It was so sweet.  The other 4 pups are in the white basket, Coco couldn't fit in there.  *smiles*

ABOVE:  here we have the enlarged puppy pen.  Now when we approach their pen the pups don't have to walk through the 'toilet area' to get to us.

ABOVE: I've been looking for a while for a nice towelling robe to put on when I come out of the spa.. I found one yesterday.  I'm very happy cos it ain't BLACK.  Hideous photo... got me hair up ready to get in the spa. 

End of Day:  it's been a nice day in all... hopefully all goes well tomorrow with getting the car!
nite nite.


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