I bought some new bottles for Emily yesterday, and I do believe she likes them!


ABOVE:  how clever is she then?  Within minutes she had that bottle sussed.

TODAY:  nothing much, shall probably do the vacuming I didn't get around to yesterday.. and of course cluck over Emily.

She really is the most delightful wee baby... so happy!  She beams when you talk to her... it just melts me heart.

I'm expecting a puppy travel case to arrive sometime today too... it's for Grey puppy to go down to Wellington in. 

I am looking forward to my lunch again today... smoked chicken salad again.  yum yum...


PINK must be the theme for today!
Grey Puppy's travel case arrived:

ABOVE:  I'm thinking it's just as well Dogs are colour blind, otherwise Grey might had some issues using this travel case!  lol

ABOVE:  Everyone clamouring to have a gander at this new toy..

ABOVE:  Yellow girl (Tulip) was the first in it..

ABOVE:  closely followed by Grey puppy..

ABOVE:  then it was just a free for all... everyone was getting in it, trying to climb over it... very sweet.
I am going to leave it in there now until Grey leaves home *GULP*. 

CRANKY!!!  I would never NOT PUBLISH YOUR COMMENTS!  That is the first one from you I have seen in a fact the last comments I got from you were on the 13th of September on 'Shearing The Sheep' and PEPSI.

Vacuming - Done.  Wash floors - Done.  Washing - Done.

Lets forget about the dusting/polishing/cleaning loos and bathrooms/bla bla bla.
There is only so much you can do in one day AND look after a 7 month old! 

I had a lovely long yak on the phone to my friend Chris D down in Palmerston North, and Me Mum over in Australia too... so that was a nice break from housework.

Got some yummy chicken thighs in the oven, rice in the rice cooker... going to plonk the chicken on the top of rice and put some salad greens on the side for the family.
Me? I'm having a baked potatoe with baked beans and onions on top.  YUM!

DRUMMING FINGERS ON ME CHAIR...just how long does it take for a potatoe to be roasted when you are starving?  TOO BLOODY LONG.
It's 7.30, family is fed... and I'm still waiting...

End of Day:  well clearly I forgot to put this bit up!
nite nite (two days late!)



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