ABOVE:  Steve is thoroughly enjoying having some money in his back pocket to spend.  Last night he bought a little helicopter to play with!

ABOVE:  he thought he was very clever landing it on the coffee table! 
Stew had a go but kept crashing it... Griffin was a lot better at it, and Brylee was like Stew... dismal.

I am too clever to even try it... I KNOW I'd crash it.







OMG it was just the best game to be at!  The atmosphere was magical.  Everyone was having a ball... I loved it.  I didn't even mind when it rained!  It just added to the fun!

I think every KIWI there was cheering the Irish on... and let's not forget the actual IRISH people!  It was a sea of green, with these little patches of YELLOW (the Australian colour).

I want to go again!  Though I doubt we will be able to get tickets to any more games, most of them are now sold out. 

Some photos :

 ABOVE:  the stadium when we arrived...

 ABOVE: our seats were right at the front.. which I thought was neat! At one point the ball came over into the crowd just to our right.

 ABOVE: some action...

ABOVE:  I have never seen so many people in one place like this... it was just awesome.
The cheering, the chanting, the stamping of your feet, the singing... it was all just so much fun!

 ABOVE: the security measures taken were fantastic.  On the train platforms all the way into town they had security people... hospitality people, police ... it felt SAFE.
And no one got silly or nasty... everyone was just having a good time.

ABOVE: some Canadian men on the train.. even THEY supported Ireland!   They were a hoot.

ABOVE: Tara and Jo, who came up from Wellington, stayed with us and took us to the game!  Jo is our son-in-law's sister,  and Tara is her friend.

ABOVE:  I have had to re-name Jo.... as my word that girl can scream!  (she hails from Ireland in her ancestory)...   Tara is half deaf in her left ear and I'm half deaf in me right from all Jo's screaming!  lol

So, there ya go.  I'm a reformed woman.  I LIKE live rugby games!
That feels rather weird to say.


9.30am and Stew has just left to take the girls to the airport to catch their flight back to Wellington.  It was really lovely having them to stay.

LYNDA: Jo has been working as a Volunteer for the World Cup... helping international visitors with transportation etc.  She was given FREE tickets as a 'Thank You'... and most of those front rows were Volunteers.  It was a really good position, so close to the action. 

*** MY BLOG HAS BEEN 'REPORTED' AS UNSAFE?  WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!  SOMEONE IS TRYING TO RUIN MY BLOG, STOP YOU READING IT.... PLEASE IGNORE THE WARNING!  THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY BLOG, IT CANNOT 'HARM' YOUR COMPUTER OR ANY SUCH THING!  Pffffft to the haters who would close me down.  If you get the warning, please leave a comment with Google to say it is safe.

ABOVE:  the Google Warning... if you see it can you please click on the 'Report that this site....", that way you can save my blog from being killed off.  *sniff*

I just bathed all the pups for the first time!
What a job.... photos will be on tomorrow's blog, there's already enough on this post!

End of Day:  I got that nasty message about 6 times in a row... but now it's gone.  Thank goodness.
Really tired tonight, won't be up much later I think.  Stew is watching rugby on the TV... and I've just been watching the pups play on the family room floor.  NO MORE lounge room for them!  Last night Steve had them in the lounge with him and when we got home there were 8 little wet patches on the carpet.  ADD them to the 6 the night before and I'm done.  I am going to rent a 'Rug Doctor' cleaner really soon and clean me carpet!
nite nite.


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