I bathed the puppy's for the very first time yesterday.  What a mission!
I did three then had to stop as they all got the shakes REALLY  badly, especially Chico, who was shaking so hard she could hardly stand up!

I freaked out to be perfectly honest!  I was scared one of them would die of fright!

We ended up wrapping them up and just holding them close for ages to settle them down, which thankfully worked.

ABOVE: the first three to be bathed.  I had to take a break after doing them as I was so worried for them!

ABOVE:  the other three were much better than the first lot.   In the last photo I stuffed up me little 'Copyright' logo... put two on!  derrr.  Still learning how to do it!
I'm trying to make my photos safe from poachers!   lol

TODAY:  Taking Griffin to his Speld lesson early this week, as  his class has a trip on Thursday and he can't go to Speld that day.   So no doubt I will sit in the car and read on my Kindle!   I love my Kindle!
I ordered a pretty PINK cover for it from Amazon and I expect it to arrive any day now.

Once I'm home again it is wash the floors day.  Yaaaaa.  Can ya hear the joy in me voice at the thought? 
 Ahh huh... I thought so.

I'm making lunches... still in me nightie I might add.. and there's a knock at the front door.  BUGGER!  Have not even washed me face yet... oh well... I open the door and guess what arrived?

ABOVE: isn't it pretty?
I must be going soft in me old age.. while I LOVE blue, I'm loving pretty pink too!  Now my kindle's screen is safe from damage.
Oh and yes, I did end up getting it from Dick Smith's.  I got a phone call only 3 days after ordering it saying it had arrived.  I've had lots of fun 'playing' with it... getting to know how to use it...and of course ... buying a few books!

Ikkky day.  Cold and wet.  Spent an hour and a half sitting in me car reading on me Kindle while Griffin has his lesson.  I was freezing... then too bloody hot, then freezing... you get the drift!  Friggin hot flushes.  Pfffft.

Home now, got washing drying in the drier... more dripping wet on the line. 
Dinner tonight will be Nachos, that should make the family smile.  Me?  Not nachos!  I have not been VERY  good this week, so am not expecting a huge loss at weigh in tomorrow... but hopefully a little one.

MARY H:  yes I was serious actually.  Personal photos on my blog have appeared elsewhere without my permission. 

End of Day: another busy day... the pups are needing more attention now... and you would not believe how much poop 6 puppy's can produce!  What fun.  lol
nite nite.


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