After HIM saying I was NEVER EVER going to cut his hair (seems HE didn't trust me)... I finally was 'allowed' to last night!

I cut Steve's hair last week and it came out OK... so I think HE decided he would risk it.  lol

ABOVE:  yes ... I did leave some on his head!  But my god he needed a haircut!

 ABOVE:  see?   He looks fine to me... and he even said I did a good job!  Little does he know.  I used to cut all my other son's hair too... for YEARS.  It sure saves a lot of money over time if you can do it yourself.

I've been wanting to do Griffin's for ages, but he always said 'NO WAY'.  Maybe now he will concede that I do know what I'm doing.

TODAY:  Hospice in the morning... then home...
I think that's all!

*** PEPSI UPDATED *** PEPSI UPDATED *** PEPSI UPDATED ***  (edit:  readership is FULL on my private blog)

It is another windy, wet and cold day here... I'm freezing!  Boo hoo.  AND it is always cold down in the Hospice Shop... *sniff*    OOO that reminded me, better go get a hanky and spray me perfum on it so I can block out Mrs Stinky!


Hold on to your hats,  I have to vent.

History:  ever since I started working at the Hospice Shop, I have had to 'share' the front counter with Mrs Smelly Pants.  She has always stood on the right of the counter, where you get to serve the customers, while I have been to the left of the till where there is not enough space to serve customers, so I have almost ALWAYS ended up being Mrs Smelly Pants 'lackey', putting away her coathangers and having to do the menial jobs... it was really getting up my nose.

So, I talked to her two weeks ago about how it was making me feel... frustrated and tired of having to do most of the menial jobs... and how frustrating is was not being able to share the 'serving' job.   I suggested we share the jobs ... like,  she takes the right side of the counter for half the morning, then we switch and I have a turn too. 

She said fine, she didn't know that's how I felt and we could share the serving job.

At no time was I nasty, I just said how I FELT and could we do something about it? 

I thought that was that, we had an adult conversation and had settled it.


I got to work this morning only to be confronted by the boss... who told me Mrs Smelly Pants had been DEEPLY OFFENDED by our conversation, how I had hurt her feelings and how I HAD A NASTY ATTITUDE (according to Mrs Smelly Pants) !!!  And the Boss said if I  had a problem I should have gone to her first.

Ummmm, excuse me, but I HAD told her on many occassions how annoyed I was feeling!

So, Mrs Smelly Pants entered the room at that point,  so I asked her to explain HOW I had offended her, and just what had I done to be accused of having a 'NASTY ATTITUDE'?

Well, she went off at me... called me a nasty person, and said I had said SHE was frustrating bla bla bla.

I can only take so much, I left the shop in tears.
As I had left my handbag in the shop I had to go back in there.... so once my bottom lip had stopped wobbling I went back into the shop.

My Boss was in tears!  She took me out the back and we had another conversation... and at the end of the day I stayed there, working in the back room.  (I had planned on resigning).

About 2 hours into my shift I was over it... as I love being there I decided Mrs Smelly Pants was not going to make me leave... so I went up to her and said "Can we please just put this behind us and move forward"?

She said "Fine".... so hopefully that is the end of it.

BUT... I have to say it:  She is a fucking BITCH.


Oh one last thing... I deserve massive KUDOS for NOT saying anything about her OFFENSIVE SMELLY ARSE.   I shall keep that little bit of ammunition up my sleeve and use it one day... FOR SURE.

So, I've been stewing on this all afternoon (as ya do when something really upsets you) and I have decided I might just talk to the Boss about how Mrs Smelly Pants OFFENDS me every time she farts and does not even say PARDON ME... and how she also offends the customers in the shop when she does it.

Lets see if she does anything ...  I mean, she did nothing when I told her how FRUSTRATED I was working with Mrs Smelly Pants eh?

End of Day:  and apart for that big upset this morning, it's been a so-so day.  I have been EXCELLENT  with my food/tracking... just have to get through dinner and I'll be good.
nite nite.


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