ABOVE:   there they are... the four I have to advertise for sale on TradeMe.  What do you think of the photos?

TODAY:  more of the same... caring for the puppies and Coco/Teddy... doing some housework, maybe go out for a while to the mall.

Sometimes I wish SOMEONE in this city was free to meet me for a 'cofffee and yak'... *sigh*.. you'd think after being here for three years I would have made some friends eh?  Hasn't happened.  Clearly I don't get out enough, or I'm just not friend material?

I'm seriously thinking of re-joining Weight Watchers!  At least I might meet like minded women and strike up a friendship?  That's how I met my best girlfriends down in Palmerston North.  It might work?

...shit I sound like a sad git.  (and Steve is BOUND to tell me so)

ABOVE:  our lounge carpet got a thrashing last night!  We let the puppy's have a run around, it was so gorgeous!  They had not been out in such a large space before and they went nuts... running all over the place.  Teddy did NOT like that at all... so we had to put him in the laundry.
Coco seemed to enjoy chasing the pups around.
I think every one of the pups had a piddle on the carpet too... hence the 'thrashing'... lol.


JACKIE:  the pups will be introduced to the big wide world, and grass, just as soon as it is warm enough to let them outside.  Before now they have been too small as well.  Now that their coats have grown longer they will not feel the cold so much hopefully.
Edit:  Jackie.... yes I probably should re-join one of the patchwork groups eh?  Next term for sure I think. 

BEASTIE GIRL:  thank you!  Will see you at 1pm then. 

Well... I have had a very nice day so far!  I did indeed go and re-join Weight Watchers.. HUGE wake up call when I saw the numbers on the scale.  Have to virtually start from scratch again.
Only way is down from here.

I also met up with 'Beastie Girl' who reads my blog.  Very nervous as usual with meeting a virtual stranger... but it was NICE.  We certainly had no trouble finding common ground to talk about... we had a lovely sushi lunch together then 'did' the shops for a while before I realised what the time was and had to make a dash for home so I'd be there in time for the kids coming home from school.
I made it with about 2 minutes to spare!

Oh and I did manage to do a wee bit of shopping while I was at the mall!

ABOVE: first though... can we all say 'Crowded, much?"  That is Coco and ALL SIX puppy's in the carry case! 
Coco is holding some food in her mouth in this photo... she has never done that before.  She didn't want her lunch when I got home... I hope she's feeling OK.

ABOVE:  *sigh*... yes, I had to get all this 'stuff' AGAIN...

ABOVE: how cute is this?  I went to one of the cheap jewellery stores in the mall and bought a red necklace, earrings and a ring watch!  AND it works.  I think it's so cute.

Totally crap weather right this minute .... and we have to go out again shortly.  It's Brylee's gym day and she LOVES it. 

Dinner?  hmmmm... something quick and easy I think.  Can't be bothered doing much really...  I did roast pork last night so won't feel too bad giving them beans on toast tonight! lol

Friendships... thank god for all you lovely ladies (and men) out there who are my blog friends... if it wasn't for you guys I really would be totally sad and lonely most days. 
OK... obviously I have the family in the evenings and weekends, but during the weekdays it can get very lonely.  Yet, as I said to 'Beastie Girl'... I like being at home too!  I. Can't. Win.   Pfffft.

End of Day:  a nice day when all done and dusted!  Steve is out visiting his 'girlfriend?'... looking forward to a spa tonight!  And I don't care if it is raining!  I updated PEPSI too...
nite nite.


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