I'm a happy Chick... I finally feel like I am back in control of myself. 
5.2 kilos lost in 3 weeks.....never to be 'found' again I tell ya!

PO:  Don't worry, my new WW Leader is not a par on YOU... YOU are unique, one of a kind, and one of my best friends forever

Telle Tubbies united... we will do this!

CHRISTY:  what am I doing differently?  PORTION CONTROL... and I have cut out BREAD.  It's working... next thing is to add exercise...

MARTINE:  Teddy is SCARED stiff of the puppies!  Even with just Bruiser home now, he runs for higher ground ( on the couch ) when the pup comes near him.  If the pup 'corners' him he literally screams in fright and scrambles to safety! It is so funny, he's such a sook. 

Today:  Hospice shop.  I think that's all!  I am not even going to say 'I will not spend anything' today!  You all know it's near IMPOSSIBLE for me to be in a SHOP and not buy sommit eh?  lol   Though... I didn't buy a freaking thing yesterday did I!  Bloody hell, that must be a record or something!


yesterday I spent over an hour looking for a white tablecloth... to no avail.  WEll... I did find one but it was $90, so it stayed in the shop.  Today at hospice, look what I got for $3 !

 ABOVE:  a gorgeous white tablecloth and some white/blue doillies.  I'm wrapt!

Work today was slow... so slow it felt like I'd been there all day ... bored stiff.  Mrs Smelly Pants dropped one 'stinker' today, and I told the Boss as we have been told to do that.  She is SUPPOSED to talk to Mrs Smelly Pants EVERYTIME someone informes her of her farting.  She did not.  It irks me that does.

I had a nap.  Now I have a massive headache.  Too much going around in my mind.  Too much stress right now. 


I get a good deal of pleasure from knowing I can rant to my heart's content on Pepsi and a certain person cannot read it!  It is so good to be able to note when/where/why/how/what,  to refer back to.   I must find all my old diaries, in the days before I blogged I wrote EVERYTHING down in my diary.  They could come in handy one day.

LEIGH:  no I didn't write down anyone's 'wrongs'... just my day to day stuff like I do on here now.  Of course when things happened (Like accidents etc) I did write it down.   Like:  Stew got a throat infection. Did not take all the pills.  Got a sore ankle two weeks later.  Then couldn't walk without crutches cos then his other ankle got sore.. then both knees... then he got night sweats... then the doctors put all his symptoms together (that I had noted in me diary) and he was diagnosed with RHUEMATIC FEVER and ended up in hospital for weeks!  That sort of stuff is in me diary's. 
YES on my private blog I have a right rant... but it is just my feelings coming out in a safe place.  NOT to be used against anyone.

End of Day:  we went to a new burger place tonight (Me day off dieting) and it was LOVELY!!  Carls Jr. in Takanini.... really, really nice burgers.  Highly recommend it.  Sheesh, first bread in weeks!
Hope I don't pay for it tomorrow with a sore tummy.
nite nite


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