ABOVE: our wee Rhino in the arms of his new owner's daughter.... SPOILT?   MUCH... lol.
He has a new name now:  ARCHIE.   It suits him.  He sure looks happy as Larry there doesn't he!   Such a love.

TODAY:  WELL as far as I can remember, the day is all mine.  I am going out to post the parcel I didn't get to post yesterday, do some banking... and just have some quiet retail therapy.

That lovely young family who bought Kiba let me know he has been really happy, no crying!  AND his new name is OSCAR... the kids choice won. 

Now we just have to wait for Bruiser to go to his new home.. and we will know all their forever names. 


Seriously, it's so good going to the mall on a week day!  There are no crowds blocking the way... you can browse to your heart's content without being bumped into by the masses.  I really enjoyed my morning. 
And I spent...NOTHING!  I just looked.  Stew is going to be gobsmacked... lol!

Now I'm home and catching up on a couple of tv programmes that have been taped.... sorting out dinner (marinated beef spare ribs) and just chilling for a while.  Kinda basking in the peace. 

I'm stuck on my lounge chair... can't think why?

ABOVE:   Bruiser.  Our first born puppy.  He's special.  And lonely.  So I shall just sit a while...

Sitting never lasts long around here.  Stew came home from work early.  He's sick with a throat infection.  Then the kids arrived home from school.  Shortly I have to take Brylee to gymnastics. 
Then cook dinner.
Then go to Weight Watchers at 7pm....
wish me luck!

MARTINE:  Coco has been fantastic!  I'm sure she simply does not realise all the other pups have gone!  She seems like her happy, usual self.  Plays a lot with Bruiser which is lovely.  I think she was over all of them to be honest! 

End of Day:  I did well at weigh in... I lost.... 1.6 kilos!  (3.5 Pounds), which means I have lost 5.2 kilos in three weeks (11.4 pounds).  I'm happy with that.
nite nite.


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