- it's Friday... yaaa. Last day of term.  Someone remind me I was happy about this in a few days when I start bitching about how the kids are driving me nuts... OK?  lol

-  I take my car back to the dealer today, hopefully they will actually FIX it ... at least today they are giving me a loaner car to use.

- Expecting Kelly and Rena tonight for a visit. 

-  Thats all for now.... it's an ikkky day, cold and wet.  Probably perfect for doing the housework.. and tidying up the freaking garage.... it's a right shambles.

I decided (last night) to make some more of the mince/bacon pastry thingee's for the guys lunches today...

ABOVE:  this is what they looked like before they went in the oven.   Ummmm, I can't show ya what they looked like when they came out... cos while they were cooking I kinda got engrossed in Coronation Street and they got a BIT BURNT.  Like incinerated.  Not a pretty sight. 

So Steve gets bacon and cheese sandwiches for lunch today... and I better go make them!


LYNISE:  I make his lunch as I am already making sandwiches for Brylee and Griffin,  so it seems silly not to make his while I'm at it!  I do not do anything else for him...

ABOVE: Steve's room!  Living testament to the fact that I do not clean up after him!  I am itching to tidy it up... (of course) as I hate a mess... but it is HIS room.. him problem.  I also don't do his washing, he does all that himself. 
AND he has been known to cook dinner for everyone once in a while too... so I think he's quite DOMESTICATED ! 

Now off to the garage to do a tidy up...

LYNISE (again!)... I have been know to throw everything on the floor OUT THE WINDOW.
Sneakers left lying around have been thrown on the neighbours roof.  And one time  I can remember throwing all of a person's belongings out on the ROAD just before she came home from school too!
Sometimes it works.  But not for long.  Some people are just untidy.  We can't all be the same I suppose!

When I took my car to the dealer's this morning they gave a cute little Toyota Corolla to use.  BUT:  I had to sign a big contract... insurance etc, etc.  And I was told I had to replace any petrol I used.  I am fine with that.  But I really couldn't see me pulling into a petrol station and asking for this much petrol:
ABOVE:  $2.33?  so, I hope they don't mind cash, I even rounded it up!  lol

Guess what?  They wouldn't take my money!  AND they had washed and vacumed my car too!  I said 'Thank You' ever so nicely I did, lol.

Kelly and Rena arrived, bearing flowers...

ABOVE:  Rena with said ORANGE flowers.  Apparently there were ABSOLUTELY no other colours.  Pretty flowers if ya like ORANGE!  lol
Kelly knew what I would say too!
I love getting flowers, even if they are ORANGE!

IT'S TIPPLE TIME!  .... friday night.  Best night of the week.... yeah ... gunna have me a tipple, or two.

End of Day:  find myself getting wound up.  Three year old running around the house getting into stuff she shouldn't... just makes me foot twitch.... which is not a good thing.  Told Kelly I was getting stressed out and she sorted it.  Maybe I need to speak up more and not just simmer till boiling point!  I need to listen to my own advice! 
nite nite.


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