I totally forgot to show you these!  I got them at the Hospice shop yesterday too....

ABOVE:  virtually brand new!  Will go with some of my new summer tops that have bits of red in them... $3 !

ABOVE: this really cute necklace.. it needs to be cleaned... I'm pretty sure it will come up looking really nice.  Someone is going to get it for Christmas.

TODAY:  taking Griffin to his Speld Lesson... last one for a couple of weeks as school finishes tomorrow for 2 weeks.  Yaaaaa, I am actually looking forward to it! 

Not sure if I will read... or shop while he's having his lesson....

 ABOVE:  Teddy checking out the puppy while he's busy playing with Coco...

ABOVE:  safety on the couch from that little pesky puppy.... 

*** Small EDIT on PEPSI. ***

Remember me saying I hope I didn't regret having that burger last night?  Well I do now.  I got awful acid reflux in the middle of the night, thought I was going to throw up too.  NOT doing that again.  So was not worth that.

I went to Pukekohe while Griffin has his lesson.  I made a start on my Christmas shopping...

ABOVE:  Quite happy with what I found today for Christmas presents.

ABOVE:  I bought these plants from a road side stall.... Hopefully one of my 'men' will plant them for me.


So glad I didn't hang out the washing today... as it totally poured down this afternoon!  Massive rain, coming straight down... it sounded awesome.

End of Day:  tried something new with dinner tonight.  Made a mince and bacon mix...rolled out some flakey pastry... covered it with the mince/bacon mix and grated cheese, rolled it up... cut the long 'sausage' into smaller lengths and baked them... YUM!  A bit like home made sausage rolls, only nicer.   The family thought they were 'AWESOME'... Steve even gave me the thumbs up.  Awwwww.
nite nite.


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