I feel like crap.  Got the cold that the rest of the family has had.  I thought I was going to dodge it.  Not so.
Might be a quiet day ... lots of fluids diet coke and nurophen me thinks.

If I feel a bit better soon I will make another dress for Brylee today.

ABOVE:  guess who's been 'doing the gardening'?  Bruiser AND Coco!  So at some point today I will need to give the little bugger a bath in readiness for meeting his new family tomorrow.
Awwww... he's leaving home tomorrow!

I'm happy he is going to his forever family at last, where he can settle down and bond with them.   But we will miss him so much!  He has been a part of our family for 10 weeks! 

I think tomorrow will be interesting.  Coco has not really noticed the other puppy's leaving, we always made sure she was not in the room when the pups were taken away.  But I am sure she is going to notice that there are NO pups after tomorrow afternoon!  I hope she is not going to pine for Bruiser.  Time will tell.


So... I do have the blasted cold.  And it's yuk. The kids and I went down to the mall to pay some more off me luggage... realised I couldn't pick it up this week afterall.. I still owe too much on it!
OH, there is always next week!
Got some lemons too.. making Lemon Meringue Pie tomorrow ... got my Aunt and Uncle coming for dinner.
Right now... I'm sewing a wee dress for Hayley, our granddaughter Sienna's sister. 
Should be done soon.

My ears are blocked!  This is NOT a bad thing at all!  I can't hear Brylee and Griffin arguing!  There has to be something good about feeling bloody awful eh?  lol

ABOVE:  Hayley's dress, and hem detail.  Really happy with this dress now.

And now.. I'm going to take some more pills and have a lie down, I really feel ikkkk.

HA HA HA! What a joke.  Get a rest with Brylee and Griffin in the house?  yeah right.  They didn't let me forget for one second that they were home.  Grrrrrr.

It's nearly dinner time.  I've got wedges and chicken chips in the oven... easy dinner. And I'm sipping of me Tipple.  That should make me chill out!

End of Day:  Not really feeling any better, will be off to bed in a mo.  Just made another wee dress too... sewing is so relaxing!
nite nite.


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