ABOVE:  Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, right?  What's he looking at ?

ABOVE:  MY cardigan!  And wires.  Any wire will do.  Computer.  Phone charger.  Camera USB cable.  Or toes... toes are nice to chomp on too!

AND let's not even MENTION the HUMPING!  OMG he is only 2 and a half months old and he is humping any body part he can 'mount'.   EEeeewwwww.    How many more sleeps?

Oh yeah, two more!   I still think we will miss him.  For a little while.  Then I will start to enjoy having my house back in 'order'... lol.

TODAY:  I don't know!  Might just go down to the mall and pick up my new luggage.  NOT that I am going anywhere fast!  Stew and Steve give me shit for buying new luggage when we have no plans to go away.  But, it was on sale!  And I will need it at some point!  Doesn't matter if it's now or in a year.  I will use it one day!  Right?


Knackered!  Just did the grocery shopping.  And bought some fabric to make a dress for Brylee for Christmas.  It's now 2.20pm, time for some lunch I think!..

ABOVE:  I just made a dress for Brylee, same colour combo as the wee one I made for Emily Sienna.   I had to blindfold Brylee so she couldn't see the colours I had used!  It was quite exciting, as I don't think I have ever made her a dress before!  This one should fit her for a good 2 years.  She is only growing upwards ... not outwards.

It's now dinner time.  Hmmmm... have not sorted out that yet. Better pull finger...

End of day:  well we had takeaways for dinner, which was nice as I'm really not feeling the best.  Got a headcold.  Most of the family has had it... now it's my turn.  I just hope I don't get the cough.  Last time I got a cough it lasted for 6 weeks. 
nite nite.


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