Today Brylee turns 11...  my gosh how time flies!
I can still remember her as a teeny, tiny little baby... so small and delicate she was.

Now, she's still small... but hell no... not delicate!
She is a right girly girl though... loves clothes, jewellery, dolls... *smiles*.

I have bought her mostly new clothes for her birthday this year.  I am sure she will be wrapt with them... expect a little fashion show later on today.

Apart from that... no other plans for the day.  We expect Stew's sister to visit after lunch.... which will be nice.  We had been thinking of going to see how her new home is shaping up... she's been doing extensive renovations for the past month or so. 

Converting the downstairs into a self contained, one bedroom unit...  hopefully we can go see it soon.

That's all for now.. I'll be back later...

ABOVE:  Brylee's new clothes, a leotard for gym, new togs and a summer dress... 
Right now.. Steve and Brylee have gone shopping together!  Steve is letting her pick her own present from him.  How sweet is that.

I heard from the  family that bought Tulip and Bee Bee this morning.  They both had a good night, no problems at all.  They have new names:

I like their new names.... India and Charlie.  I am sure they are going to love their new family.

I got a phone call from a bloke who wants to come and see Kiba ... so we might be saying goodbye to Kiba tonight!

ABOVE:  I usually have one or two little drinks of me tipple (Totara Cafe) on a friday night.  But tonight I just feel like I need to unwind... and this will sure help!  CHEERS.

ABOVE:  Kiba has left the building.  He has gone home with his Forever Family.... Dad, Mum, two little boys and a cute wee girl.   The kids want to call him 'Oscar'... but I think Dad has other ideas!  They were a really cute little family, and I feel sure he will be much loved.  The Mum is a stay-at-home Mum so will be with him all the time, which is lovely to know.

End of Day:  well, I took over 200 photos of Kiba before he left... so can show you a few tomorrow.  I'm sure you will love that!  lol
Just Bruiser left at home now.  I hope he doesn't cry tonight!
nite nite.


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