Up until 6.30 pm last night ... we still had two puppies left.  NOW... only Bruiser... and he's sold and going to his forever home on the 16th.
I managed to take a whole heap of photos of Kiba and Bruiser last night before he left:

ABOVE: our gorgeous Kiba, we will never forget you.

ABOVE: last loves...

ABOVE:  such a pretty boy...

ABOVE: last moments with his brother Bruiser...

ABOVE:  Kisses from Mum.

So now you guys will just get to drool over Bruiser for the next two weeks!
Crikey... what did I blog about before we had pups???

TODAY:  Posting a parcel to Australia for Russell's baby girl Sienna and her sister Hayley... grab some salad stuff for lunch then home.

I have Beastie Girl and Lynda (both bloggers) coming for lunch today!  How exciting.  Better get the friggin vacum out I suppose!  yaaaaa.


Today is not going to plan.  I had to take my car into Papakura for looking at AGAIN... the warning lights are all on again.
I was driven home by one of their girls... so now I'm carless!

BRUISER: does not like being on his own.  He started crying and howling in the middle of the night... so I gave him a cuddle then shut the doors so I couldn't hear him.
This morning he started yowling and howling.. AND HE STILL IS... hours later.  *sigh*
Even Coco does not like the noise, she is whimpering and pacing... maybe I will put her in the puppy pen with him and see if he shuts up!

ABOVE:  that worked!  Thank god.... that one puppy sure could make a lot of noise!  Coco may just have to spend A LOT of time in there with him me thinks.

Lunch with the girls was lovely, had a really good natter.  BG and Lynda got on really well too... they both follow the same type of diet so could relate really well.

My car:  is still at the garage!  They said it would be 2 hours... and it's now been 4 and a half!  I feel so cross! I had things I wanted to do/get this morning... now if I want to get anything done I will have to take the kids.

Crabby I am.   

My car is home.  It has to go back on friday morning to have a new sensor put in... then the fault lights will stop going on... I HOPE.  They are giving me a 'loaner' car on friday so I'm not carless all day.  EXCELLENT.

Bruiser is doing me head in... crying, howling, whimpering... time to chuck Coco back in with him!  Hmmmm.... Coco didn't want to be anywhere him!  Seems she's had enough of him too....

End of Day:  it's 9pm and I can hardly keep me eyes open.  Stew has been snoring fit to kill the last two nights, add that to a crying puppy and I didn't get much sleep last night.  I'm off to bed early...
nite nite.


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