I have a PC. It keeps crashing.  Getting a blue screen with warnings on it... then dying.  OVER and OVER again.

My laptop.... overheats all the time and dies.  OVER and OVER again.

If I take them in to be fixed the bill will no doubt be near enough to the price of YET another NEW COMPUTER... which will probably do the same thing in one year and one month... YOU KNOW, just out of warranty.

It does my head in.

So, I don't know what to do.  Keep using the ones I have... and get madder and madder.
Or bite the bullet and buy another one?

While I ponder this...  it's Sunday.  No plans for the day.

GILLY:  thank you for that link yesterday.  I did indeed lodge a complaint with 'Scamwatch' and I sent a copy to the Decal Company that had taken me money and NOT sent the decals!   I heard from that company late last night!!!  Seems he had been "on holiday" and had just got back!  YEAH RIGHT!!!  Anyway, he is going to send me the decals...  We will see!  I can always go ahead and make his life miserable if he doesn't!  I am so nice like that.  lol  So THANK YOU for your help.  (edit:  I made a mistake with the cost of the decals, seems I  had ordered larger ones, so the cost was more.  I did this almost 6 weeks ago, so memory failed me in this instance!) 
It still galls me that I had to get really nasty over the net to get him to make contact.

ABOVE:  LOOK what I made last night!  A dress for Rena, part of her Christmas present... I haven't made kids clothes in YEARS.  It was so much fun.  Now I'm going to make some for Emily and Sienna too.


Well I've been sewing today... almost finished another dress for Rena.
After lunch we all went over to Devonport for a drive, the kids had a play at the playground... then cos it was warm we drove to Mission Bay for an icecream from Movenpick.  There was a queue out the door but nevermind, an icecream from there is worth queueing for !
Now home and it's almost time to start getting dinner ready... but before that I think I will try and finish that 2nd dress...

JACKIE:  OMG... you know me TOO WELL!

End of Day:  I couldn't bear to watch the rugby tonight... I just want to know if our guys won at the end.  I went down into the garage and thought about some more wee dresses to make  for the other little girls in the family, but didn't start any as I'm a bit tired.
nite nite.


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