ABOVE:  when I showed this circles fabric to Kelly on Saturday night she said "IKKKKKK"  ... so I used the seersucker pink instead.  Then yesterday I decided to use it anyway... and what did Kelly say when she saw the finished dress?
"Oooo I love that one"!   Typical.  No vision.  Me on the other hand,  knew it would look darling.
And it does, do we all agree?

It's Monday.... kids are home for two weeks.  Today I think I will take them on the train to Penrose... I will visit the Spotlight there for some blue fabric for the bodice's of a couple more dresses I want to make.  Emily and Sienna are getting dresses for Xmas too.

After Spotlight,  we will stop at Sylvia Park for lunch before coming home again.


MARK:  seersuker is a type of fabric that is 'bobbly' as in, when  you lie it flat it's textured a bit.

We went shopping (not on the train afterall, I ooops, slept in). 
Got some fabric:

ABOVE:  more fabrics for little dresses....

ABOVE:  I also bought myself a new wallet and card holder... Kelly is getting my old wallet as she doesn't have one now.

I'm going to have a little sit down for a while, then do some housework followed by sewing.


ABOVE:  Kelly found this nice dress at the Hospice Shop this afternoon.  $3, not bad eh!

Kelly and Rena have left.  I've done the vacuming, washed the floors AND updated PEPSI.

I have a headache.  And I'm feeling ever so slightly CRABBY.  

End of Day:  a long day, lots on my mind.  Still got the headache.  having a tipple did not help.  
nite nite.


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