School starts again today, so it's back into the normal routine....
does anything happen on a Tuesday?  Ahhh... nope I don't think so!

Yaaa.... I can do whatever I want today.

I'm going to do a big clean up first thing... vacum, wash floors, tidy rooms.   I love a tidy house!

Then I think I will make a start on the placemats... didn't get any done last night, I caught up on Coronation Street.... I've started taping it and watching all 5 days in one sitting.   Now that it's on at friggin 5.30pm I can't sit and watch it.  The idiots at TVNZ moved it from 7.30pm for a blasted MASTERCHEF programme.  Grrrrrrrr.

I can't help but bombard you with a few more photos of our gorgeous Emily!...

ABOVE:   and of course her Granddad.... they are both gorgeous.  That wee dress she's wearing cost me 50c at the Hospice Shop!  NOt bad eh.

Right, enough yakkity yak....ONWARD....

Midday and I still have not washed the freaking floors or done any sewing!  I popped out to the local mall for ONE thing... and two hours later I'm home with MASSES of stuff for Christmas!  Oh and Griffin's Birthday next month. 
Was supposed to be having lunch with Beastie Girl.... but just knew I would run outta time to get everything done around here before the kids get home... so am meeting her on Friday instead.

RIGHT:  lunch then floors... oh yaaaa...

*sigh*  I don't know if I should go to WW tonight and show a BIG gain... or wait until next week and show a small loss.........

WELL!  Clearly I'm boring the pants off ya!  no reply... so I think.... I will go eat chips and dip.  I'm bored.  Feeling fat as.  And it's summer out there and I look god-damn awful in me togs. 

MARIE:  the first time around all I did was TRACK everything that went in me gob, stayed within points allowed and slowly started walking... and upping the distance every month or so.  It was a long, slow, hard slog... and one I have to do all over again.  Only this time I don't have the same motivation.  I am still trying to find that DRIVING MOTIVATION that will keep me on task, on track and losing EVERY week.

I had some chips and dip.... cos I was crabby.  Then I said "NO MORE"... and put them away.  I swear I only had a fifth of what I FELT LIKE HAVING... I will go to the meeting tonight.  But it won't be pretty.

I really did eat some amazing crap over the past couple of days I tell ya!  I blame it on the rugby...K?   lol

Brylee started gym again this afternoon... she loves it so much.  That's neat.... and she has the perfect figure for it too.  I have found a way to make her eat enough too... just said she could not afford to lose any weight, and if she did start to lose weight I would have to pull her from gym.   Wow, that worked!  She has been eating really well lately.  hee hee... there is always a way around fussy eaters eh?

End of Day:  crabby now.  Feel like I have just been piss arsing around for three weeks.  And I havn't been that bad, yet I am just going up and down 200 grams.   YEP, I gained .200 grams this week.  Pissed off at myself.
I so wish I could get that 'I can do it' feeling back.  The meeting tonight was so-so.   I stopped sitting with the group I first met... they are a 'family group' and I was feeling like an interloper on their happy little group.   So tonight I sat on me own... and almost left before the meeting even started... just wasn't into it at all.
nite nite


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