I went to bed in a right royal shitty last night due to my weight gain.
There is no way I want to stay in that mood.

BUT:   I have Hospice Shop today, and I'm hoping Mrs Smelly Pants is not in fine form.

There is a possibility I will make this my last day at the Hospice Shop.  It will depend on how it goes today.  I am back to feeling like I don't want to be there.  Mrs Smelly Pants has ruined my enjoyment of being there.  She is now CONDESCENDING towards me... saying things like "Oh, stand here, I know you want to share the counter".... which just gets up me nose, cos I know she hates me standing in 'HER' place.

Can I just say I really, really don't like her?  How do you work with someone who you really dislike without going nuts?
And to make it worse, it's a bloody voluntary 'job' to boot!

Sorry it's a downer post today, but I am keeping it honest.  I'm down in the dumps.

Seems according to 'someone', I'm living a 'fantasy life' here on me blog!  LOL

Funny, it seems very real to me.   I tell it like it is.  I don't LIE.  I don't make it any 'nicer' than it is.  And yes, I sure in hell do use my 'PRIVATE BLOG' to have a rant.  It's a safe place to do it.
WHAT A SHAME 'someone' can't read it.
And guess what?


Here's a few photos to make today's post less bla....

ABOVE:  it's so lovely when a baby goes to sleep in your arms....

ABOVE: detail on me new summer tights...  from K & K... what a neat shop!

ABOVE:  Ted and Coco this morning.  She's 'on guard', keeping the neighbourhood safe, and him?  Doesn't give a shit right now!  lol

ONWARD... almost time to go to Hospice Shop.

You are not going to believe this!  I got to work today and my mood lifted STRAIGHT AWAY!!  Why?  Cos the boss had moved both the serving counters in such a way that now I can serve too!   And I served lots of customers today, it was lovely.

I got some treasure:

ABOVE:  This really cute top, maybe for Brylee if it fits her, otherwise one of my girls.

ABOVE:  a BRAND NEW blue t-shirt for Griffin and a wee shift/dress.... again, maybe for Brylee, or one of the girls.

Oh yes, I also got a tall, thin wooden shelving thingee for Griffin's room, but it needs painting before we can use it..... it's still in me car.  Steve (son) can get it out when he gets home from work.

Just got a text from my girlfriend Chris D down in Palmerston North... after a couple of years of having no job she has finally got one!  So, so happy for her. 

I've decided .200 grms is not going to get me so down ever again.... It is just a number!   And in fact it's only a little piddle!  lol
I will LOSE next week... I WILL!  And it won't be a freaking piddly .200 grams. 

Cooking beef spare ribs marinated is sticky rib marinade... OMG they smell so nice!
So much happier this afternoon.... and looking forward to dinner for sure!

End of Day:  dinner was delish!  Going to blob out for a while, then have a spa before bedtime. 
nite nite.  edit:  Steve and I took the dogs for a walk after dinner... not the best time to walk... but we did it anyway.   Only half and hour, but it did involve two good hills!


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